Wikipedia Related to Assembly of God:Pentecostal Graphic Thesaurus🔍 DisplayON AnimationON Legend Synonym Antonym Related </>embed</> Protestant de... Assemblies... noun Words related to Assemblies of God nouna charismatic Protestant denomination in the United States ...
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Encyclopedia WikipediaEncyclopedia Tools A A A A Language: Mobile Apps: apple android For surfers: Free toolbar & extensions Word of the Day Help For webmasters: Free content Linking Lookup box Close GTAG (redirected from Glad Tidings Assembly of God) AcronymDefinition GTAG Global Techn...
Assembly of First Nations Assembly of God assembly plant assembly program Assembly room assembly worker assembly, unlawful assembly-line assemblyman assemblywoman Assen assent assentaneous assentation assentator Assentatory assenter assentient assenting assentingly assentive assentiveness Assentment assentor ...
Wikipedia n. 1.A legislative body, especially a US state legislature. 2.General AssemblyAbbr.GAThe principal deliberative body of the United Nations, in which each member nation is represented and has one vote. 3.The supreme governing body of some religious denominations. ...
House of Lords (redirected fromAssembly of Nobles) Dictionary Legal Encyclopedia </>embed</> peer of the r... British Parli... house British House... House of L... noun Synonyms for House of Lords nounthe upper house of the British parliament ...
(redirected fromAssembly of Station by EVA Methods) Category filter: AcronymDefinition ASEMAsia-Europe Meeting ASEMAmerican Society for Engineering Management(Rolla, MO) ASEMAviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine ASEMApplication Server Evaluation Model ...
Wikipedia Related to assembly:legislative assembly assembly Machinerya group of mating components before or after fitting together Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005 [ə′sem·blē] (computer science)
Twitter Google Share on Facebook Also found in:Acronyms,Wikipedia. The following article is fromThe Great Soviet Encyclopedia(1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased. Supreme People’s Assembly in the Korean Democratic People’s Republic, the highest organ of state power and the only...
Programmable Interval Timer: Superseded by the HPET. Print a\n with the minimal frequency possible of 0x1234DD / 0xFFFF = 18.2 Hz: ./run pit Source: pit.S Make the PIT generate a single interrupt instead of a frequency: ./...