Good assembly line worker resume summary example Assembly Line Worker with 6+ years of experience working in a corporate factory and 2+ years of experience working as an assembly line crew leader. Earned two certifications as part of this leadership position — OSHA Safety Certificate and Forklift ...
Personable assembly line worker with 4 years of experience in the manufacturing industry. Certified forklift operator. Eager to support assembly line operations at Taurue Electronics to ensure the high quality of manufactured products and adherence to safety regulations. Helped to avoid a financial loss...
He was an assembly line worker. 我的祖父在密歇根州弗林特的雪佛兰汽车工厂工作,他是装配线上的一名工人。 17、This decade has seen Portugal produce a never-ending assembly line of top-class wingers. 过去的十年间,葡萄牙涌现了一批世界级的边路球员。 18、The assembly line is a perfect example of ...
The medical device can be rendered defective during the manufacturing process. For example, a package of surgical gloves could be contaminated if a cigarette butt discarded by anassembly line workeris packed in with them. (seeFigure 64-2). In another example, a misassembled PEEP valve resulted...
4. People management has become easier as each worker has their role clearly defined and is unique from other workers working at different stages of production. Assembly Line Example A very common and well known example is car manufacturing where a lot of parts are assembled one by one ...
Assembly line workerTresch
Theassembly lineis a perfect example of this. 装配线就是一个极好的例子. 期刊摘选 The aircraft bodies are then hooked onto a movingassembly line. 飞机机身于是就被推上了一条移动的生产线. 期刊摘选 Ourassembly linepaused because something went wrong with the mechanical arms. ...
The 22-year-old solderer Chen Zexin come from the southern Chinese province Guangxi. He came to Shenzhen for job opportunities at the age of 15 and has been working as an assembly line worker since then. “My family is not well-off. And both my sister and brother need financial support...
Each worker starts performing assembly work Notation We use the following notation for the assembly line terminology. Theoretical background and explanations A subset of work elements S is named as assignable to L workers working together on the same product and the same workstation, when An ...