Theassembly linemanufactured a lot of multiples for export in a month. 这条组装流水线在一个月内制造了很多用于出口的工艺品. 期刊摘选 This is ourassembly line. It operates 24 hours a day. 这是装配线, 它一天二十四小时都在运转. 期刊摘选 ...
assembly line是什么意思、assembly line怎么读 读音:英[əˈsembli laɪn] 美[əˈsembli laɪn] assembly line 基本解释 装配线 [经] 装配线, 流水作业线 词组短语 1、assembly-line 装配线;[工经] 流水作业线 2、assembly-line balancing [计] 装配线平衡 ...
n. (工厂产品的)装配线( assembly line的名词复数 );双语例句 全部 1. Robots are replacing people on assembly lines. 机器人逐渐代替了装配线上的工人. 来自辞典例句 2. In the next decade they will finally become practical beyond factory assembly lines. 在今后十年中,机器人将变成很实用的东西,用处不...
an assembly line 美 英 na.装配线 英汉 na. 1. 装配线 例句 释义: 全部,装配线 更多例句筛选 1. Zhou Ruqing,anaffable20-year-old, has workedatLonghuaforjustoverayearasaqualityinspectoronanassemblyline. 20岁的周如青(音)是位和蔼可亲的姑娘﹐她刚刚在龙华待满一年﹐是某组装线上的质量监督员。
AssemblyLine 编辑器显示两个主要的部分。左侧的部分显示 AssemblyLine 组件和挂钩。在工具栏中,可以选择想要在树中看到的详细级别。 选项...按钮使您能够选择要在组件树形视图中显示 AssemblyLine 的比例。 该图片显示树中所有的 AssemblyLine 挂钩以及组件属性映射。在该树中选择挂钩或属性映射项时,右侧将提供比组件...
AssemblyLine 编辑器是开发Tivoli®Directory Integrator解决方案时使用的主要编辑器。 在该编辑器中,通过添加和配置组件来构建 AssemblyLine。在构建 AssemblyLine 的同时,可以运行该 AssemblyLine 以查看已添加组件的效果。 AssemblyLine 编辑器显示两个主要的部分。左侧的部分显示 AssemblyLine 组件和挂钩。在工具栏中,...
Assembly Line combines elements from idle and tycoon games. You need to build the best assembly line in order to have the most profit possible. There're different types of machines that will help you achieve that, but you must use them strategically. ...
}boolflag =false;//记录当前字符是否与上一字符拼接成新数字intnum,j=0,n=0,line=1;//n记录数据个数intt[2][MAX],a[2][MAX];inte[2] = {0,0},x[2] = {0,0};charnc;while(!feof(fp)){ nc=fgetc(fp);if(isdigit(nc)){if(flag ==true){ ...
Mary Lambert - Assembly Line 专辑:Heart On My Sleeve 歌手:Mary Lambert Assembly Line - Mary Lambert (玛丽·兰伯特) One thing I know I'm not the same girl I couldn't speak You were too loud in my world But just because you make noise ...
An assembly line is a production process that breaks the manufacture of a good into steps that are completed in a pre-defined sequence.