DIV src 不带符号除法=divide ■ 8086规定:除数长度只能是被除数长度的一半;■ 被除数16位时,除数只能8位,被除数32位时,除数只能16位;■ 被除数、除数、商、余数全部都是无符号数;src位字节(1byte)数据时:被除数AX,除数src,商AL,余数AHsrc为字(2byte)数据时:被除数DX AX,除数src,商AX,余数DX IDIV src...
段寄存器:代码段(Code Segment),数据段(Data Segment),堆栈段(Stack Segment),附加段(Extra Segment) 指针寄存器:指令指针寄存器(IP),栈顶指针寄存器(SP),基指针寄存器(BP) 8086CPU工作过程: 1.从CS:IP指向的内存单元读取指令,读取的指令进入指令缓冲器 2.IP=IP+指令长度,从而指向下一条指令 3.重复1 Jmp Jm...
1 - Introduction of Microprocessor and installation of 8086 emulator 12:27 2 - Assembly Language Programming idea 06:15 3 - Assembly Language Programming Idea Part 2 04:45 4 - Register of 8086 Microprocessor 14:03 5 - How to start Assembly Language 11:12 6 - Concepts of Theoretical...
8086CPU不支持将数据直接送入段寄存器的操作,硬件设计的问题。 每个字单元(char)占两个内存单元。 8086CPU的入栈和出栈操作都是以字为单位进行的。 8086CPU不保证开发者对栈的操作是否越界。
8086-ASSEMBLY-LANGUAGE-PROGRAMS 👍🏻 Assembly Language Programming on 8086 CSL501:MICROPROCESSOR LAB Arithmetic Addition of two 8-bit numbers Subtraction of two 8-bit numbers Multiplication of two 8-bit numbers Division of 16-bit with 8-bit number ...
Assembly Language(汇编语言) 专用寄存器(IP,SP,FLAGS) 8086专用寄存器有三个:16位是:IP,SP,FLAGS ;32位是:EIP,ESP,EFAGS 1.指令指针寄存器IP【instruction pointer】 作用:存放代码段中的偏移地址(IP+读取指令位移长度),然后指向 下一条指令的首地址。它与段寄存器CS联用,以确定下一条指令的物理地址(CS:IP...
8086汇编(8086处理器是16bit的CPU) Win32汇编 Win64汇编 ARM汇编(嵌入式、Mac、iOS) 我们iPhone里面的用到的是ARM汇编,但是不同的设备也有差异。因为CPU的架构不同,5s以后的手机都是ARM64汇编 二.ARM64汇编 1.寄存器 通用寄存器 64bit x0-x28 32bit w0-w28 ...
Microprocessor 8086 Integer Multiplication Instructions such as MUL, IMUL, AMM explained with Assembly Language example programs
is a machine specific programming language designed for the complete family of Intel x86 microprocessors... Why ? I programmed the Intel 8086 for the first time in October 1978. I was bewildered by the differences... Before Faced with a seemingly hopeless situation, I devised a traditional ...
Introduction to assembly language programming - from 8086 to Pentium processors. The author explains his main reasons of writing this book on assembly language programming (80X86 processors): (a) necessity of presenting a recent 32-bit ...