ARM Assembly Language(语法) 不同于其他高级语言,汇编语言没有一个标准的语法格式,不同的assembler有着不同的语法,不同的processor有着不同的指令(instruction code)格式。机器所能执行的是raw instruction code,汇编语言使用人类易懂的mnemonics来代替instruction code,然后通过assembler汇编成二进制的raw instruction code。
Assemblerdescriptioncontainsdetailedinformationaboutusingthe mnemonicandalgebraicassemblers.Thissectionexinshowtoinvoke theassemblersanddiscussessourcestatementformat,validconstants andexpressions,assembleroutput,andassemblerdirectives.Italsode- scribesmacroelements. Additionalassemblylanguagetoolsdescribesindetaileachofthe tools...
Assembly languages also include directives to the assembler, directives to the linker, directives for organizing data space, and macros. Macros can be used to combine several assembly language instructions into a high level language-like construct (as well as other purposes). There are cases where...
Directives are commands that are part of the assembler syntax but are not related to the x86 processor instruction set. All assembler directives begin with a period (.) (ASCII 0x2E)..align integer, pad The .align directive causes the next data generated to be aligned modulo integer bytes....
Multi-pass assembler:An assembler must go through assembly language several times to generate object code. This final pass is called a synthesis pass, and this assembler requires any form of an intermediate code to create each pass every time. It is comparatively slower than a single-pass assemb...
assembler directivesassembler commandsX86 family programming modelX86 addressing modesX86 instruction typesX86 assembly language programming examplesSummary Programming in assembly language can result in machine code that is much faster and more compact that that generated by a compiler of a high level ...
The assembly language described in this manual offers full direct access to the SPARC instruction set. The assembler may also be used in connection with SunOS 5.x macro preprocessors to achieve full macro-assembler capability. Furthermore, the assembler responds to directives that allow the ...
Assembler Directives Section 6. Compile/Assemble Error Messages Discusses the microprocessor and explains address spaces, instruction for- mat, and destination of instruction results. It also lists all addressing modes with examples. Provides assembly-language-source syn- tax including labels, mnemonics, ...
In this regard, we present the basic machine organization features, the basic programming model, addressing modes, sample instruction types, and sample assembly programming for some real-life problems. 展开 关键词: assembly language programming machine organization mnemonics assembler directives assembler ...
The entry point is my_asm setup as a label on the first instruction below and made available to C using the assembler directive EXPORT. The function’s argument, value, passed from the C compiler is placed in R0 and the assembly language routine is then called from C. The assembly ...