RegisterLog in Sign up with one click: Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook Also found in:Dictionary,Acronyms. assembly space A gathering place (such as an auditorium, exclusive of a stage) that is occupied by numbers of persons during major periods of occupancy; some building codes consi...
4c), but additional weak density in this region may originate from a low-occupancy alternate conformation of the Cys-loop, consistent with its high flexibility. FXN interacts with His137ISCU2 and Cys69ISCU2, which was previously observed for the Zn2+ and Fe2+-bound (NIAUX)2 structures18,...
Suitable crystals were obtained in the presence of POC (a compound that mimics the lipid headgroup of DOPC and SM) and the detergent dodecyl-b-maltoside (DDM). Two molecules of POC are bound to each protein chain, occupying identical positions to those of the headgroups of lipids L2 and ...
B: MD simulations from Figure 2 demonstrated predominant PI(4,5)P2 interactions with region 2 (Lys270 and Lys274 here) and a lack of PS interactions for this region. C: Percentage of hydrogen bond occupancy for region 1 and region 2 lysine residues over the time course of MD simulations ...
Charged residues are shown in sticks, and the inter- and intramolecular salt bridges with an occupancy larger than 10% are highlighted by orange and black dashed lines respectively. See also Figures S1 and S2, Tables S1 and S2, and Movie S1. This speculative translocation process would be ...
[37]). Total numbers for each group are in parentheses.B)Schematic of types of mis-expression observed intfc6mutants at DE intergenic regions that are contiguous with normal transcripts. This does not include appearance or up-regulation of cryptic transcripts identified in the DESeq analysis. ...
(Fig.1g). For the latter, relative intensity values of fluorescently labeled Dyn2 revealed no significant difference between mutant and WT dynein complexes, indicating a similar degree of LC occupancy for each. We conclude that removal of the IC N-terminus does not disrupt dynein complex ...
in which it was proposed that the actinoporin Stn-II possesses a single lipid binding site (identified with POC as a probe;Fig. 4). Judged from the occupancy of the lipid molecules bound to FraC, we propose two high-affinity sites (corresponding to lipids L2 and L3). These two binding ...
The evolution of post-occupancy evaluation. In Learning from Our Buildings a State-of-the Practice Summary of Post-Occupancy Evaluation; National Academies Press: Washington, DC, USA, 2001; Available online: (accessed on 22 June 2022). Al-Azawei, A.; Serenelli, F...