TheAlberta Law Review (ALR)is a student-run publication whose primary purpose is to enhance discourse on Canadian legal issues. Founded in 1955, theALRis published by the Alberta Law Review Society, an organization consisting of law students at the University of Alberta and the University of Calg...
Jackson and Puchir deny religiously aggravated assault by beating. Catholic teenager 'crucified by bullies at work' There were correlating spikes in the rates of aggravated assault approximately two decades later, after the exposed children grew up. Exposure to lead dust from vehicles increases violenc...
Addison and Rose both deny putting a person in fear of violence by harassment and religiously aggravated assault by beating. Catholic teenager 'crucified by bullies at work' DetCon Joanne Brough, of the specialist Sigma Hate Crime team, said: "We are treating this as a racially aggravated assaul...
Chanel Miller: My heart was beating extremely loud. It was deafening. It was really hard for me to focus. And I was just waiting for the sound of guilty. And she heard it. All 12 jurors found Brock Turner guilty of all three felony counts. But it wasn't o...