Several members of the subfamily Holoptilinae, commonly calledfeather-legged bugs, possess a specialized outgrowth on the abdomen known as a trichome. A secretion released from the trichome attractsants, which lick the substance and become paralyzed. The feather-legged bug then pierces the ant wit...
Yet, we here describe the predatory strategy of the nymphs of the ant-eating feather-legged assassin bug Ptilocnemus lemur that requires its often much larger predaceous ant-prey to grab the bugs’ hind legs before the nymph will attack. We propose that this unique physical predatory strategy ...
amongst others, the ant-luring feather-legged bugs (Holoptilinae) and cryptic ambush bugs (Phymatinae) is supported (bs = 88% [T + R]; 93% [R]), as are the Higher Reduviidae that contain all remaining assassin bugs (bs = 100% [T + R]; 100% [T]; 99% [R...
Weirauch, C., Bulbert, M. and Cassis, G. 2010a. Comparative tri- chome morphology in feather-legged assassin bugs (Insecta: Het- eroptera: Reduviidae: Holoptilinae). - Zoologischer Anzeiger - A Journal of Comparative Zoology 248: 237-253....