AIDC/EPIP/O&M/Tender/Barger(P&R)/123/8255 Short Notice Inviting Tender for replacement of water delivery rubber hose pipe of floating Barge on River Brahmaputra at EPIP, Amingaon, Kamrup, Assam and repairing work of transformer and other electricity work of floating Barge on River Brahmaputra at...
Download PDF Associated content Collection Belonging and belongingness Sections Figures References Abstract Introduction Literature review and hypotheses Concept of social cohesion Rationale of the study area Material and methods Results Discussion Conclusion, policy implications, limitations and future research...
1). They extend over a length of ≈350 km between the northernmost extremity of the Sagaing Fault main branch near Vijaynagar to the east, and the Subansiri River to the west (Fig. 1). The principal aftershock zone is bounded southwards by the Main Himalayan Frontal Thrust (MFT) and ...
Application of remote sensing and GIS, techniques will serve as a basic set of mapping tools for creation of a baseline overview of the river basin. Attempt has been made in this study to map out the status of land use/land cover of Kolong basin with a view to detect changes that had...
Fig. 1. A map of study site (a) showing sampling point at crude oil drilling area of Assam with mighty Brahmaputra River (b) originates in the Angsi Glacier in the Himalayas and passes through multiple countries like China, India and Bangladesh. 2. Materials and methods 2.1. Chemicals and...
The Orang primary health centre, situated between 92° 10’ 40” E longitude to 92° 21’ 20” N latitude on the north bank of river Brahmaputra at 105.2 metres above sea level (see Figure 1), is dominated by ethnic tribes of Bodo, Adivasi and Rabha. Low literacy rates, poverty and ...
Natural Resource Conservation Service NRCS dimensionless unit hydrograph model and Snyders unit hydrograph model is used for this study in two river basins in North East India. This paper elucidates the use of Remote Sensing and GIS technology for the evaluation of the required parameters necessary ...
Fig. 1. Map of the study area showing well location, eastern part of the Upper Assam Basin. The geothermal energy assessment in the eastern part of the basin by Handique and Bharali (1981) has been considered as the earliest work where thermal values were correlated and assessed for an eff...
Human and beaver induced wetland changes in the Chickahominy River watershed from 1953 to 1994. Wetlands 2001, 21, 342–353. [CrossRef] 38. Vijayan, V.S.; Prasad, S.N.; Vijayan, L.; Muralidharan, S. Inland Wetlands of India: Conservation Priorities; Sálim Ali Centre for Ornithology ...