Engineering College TeacherTechnical Faculty and Non-Technical FacultyDevelopment of a country depends on the education of its people. It is this education with which the population can be transformed into human resources. Human resource development is now accepted as a major factor that explains the...
LGB Regional Institute of Mental Health, Assam, has advertised in THE website link for recruitment of Teaching Faculty job vacancies. Interested and eligible job aspirants are requested to apply on or before 31st Dec 2020.Check out further more details below. Name of the School:LGB Reg...
Our experts have rated these colleges/institutions after a complete research & survey. The Institutions are rated on the basis of national importance, college infrastructure, education quality, placement statistics, students and faculty ratio, affiliation and approval, etc. Admission Procedure The admissio...
We have rated the colleges and institutions on the basis of several factors such as placement records, student’s preferences, college infrastructure and facilities, college affiliation and approval, faculty ratio, national importance, etc. Admission Procedure Students will have to appear in theAIEEA 2...
Social Status of College Librarians with Respect to Teaching Faculty in Guwahati, AssamKankana Chakraborty 0000 8921 9789Engineering Science ClassroomKing Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi 10150 Bangkok ThailandNarumol Thongwai 0000 9039 7662Department of Biology, Faculty of ScienceChiang Mai University 50200 Chiang...