成人ADHD自评量表(ASRS).pdf,ADULT ADHD SELF-REPORT SCALE (ASRS-V 1.1) SYMPTOM CHECKLIST Patient Name ___ Today’s Date ___ Please answer the questions below, rating yourself on each of the criteria shown us
热度: ADULTADHDSELF-REPORTSCALE(ASRS-V1.1)SYMPTOMCHECKLIST PatientName___Today’sDate___ Pleaseanswerthequestionsbelow,ratingyourselfoneachofthecriteriashownusingthescaleontherightsideofthepage.Asyou answereachquestion,placeanXintheboxthatbestdescribeshowyouhavefeltandconductedyourself...
Please answer the questions below, rating yourself on each of the criteria shown using the scale on the right side of the page. As you answer each question, place an X in the box that best describes how you have felt and conducted yourself over the past 6 months. Please give this ...
成人ADHD自评量表(ASRS).pdf,ADULT ADHD SELF-REPORT SCALE (ASRS-V 1.1) SYMPTOM CHECKLIST Patient Name ___ Today’s Date ___ Please answer the questions below, rating yourself on each of the criteria shown us
Pleaseanswerthequestionsbelow,ratingyourselfoneachofthecriteriashownusingthescaleontherightsideofthepage.Asyou answereachquestion,placeanXintheboxthatbestdescribeshowyouhavefeltandconductedyourselfoverthepast6months. Pleasegivethiscompletedchecklisttoyourhealthcareprofessionaltodiscussduringtoday’sappointment. ...