Fatal1ty Z270 Gaming K4 ATX ASRock Super Alloy Supports 7thand 6thGeneration Intel®Core™ i7 / i5 / i3 / Pentium®/ Celeron®Processors (Socket 1151) *8th Gen Intel®Core™ desktop processors are supported with Intel®300 Series chipset motherboards only...
新一代华擎FATAL1TY“费特拉提”系列主板将推出Z270 GAMING K4、Z270 GAMING K6、Z270 Professional Gaming i7和Z270 GAMING-ITX/AC共计四款,采用全新设计,保留了经典黑红配色,PCB印刷丰富元素,M.2 插槽有红色箭头处理,支持AURA RGB LED幻彩背光灯装饰。目前Z270 GAMING K6已经在京东发售,售价1699元,送单条8GB 21...
支持4way SLI/CF:ASRock 华擎 推出 Z270 Supercarrier “航空母舰”主板 资讯小小值 18 24 保留经典黑红配色:ASRock 华擎 发布 FATAL1TY Z270 GAMING 系列四款新品主板 资讯小小值 5 9 稳中有进,细节出众、华擎(ASRock)Z590 Pro4主板 深度评测 蘑菇爱上我 12 9 颜值出众、用料靠谱——华擎(ASRock)...
性价比中高端方案:ASRock 华擎 发布 Fatal1ty Z370 Professional Gaming i7 专业版 和 Z370 Gaming K6 主板 资讯小小值 3 7 支持4way SLI/CF:ASRock 华擎 推出 Z270 Supercarrier “航空母舰”主板 资讯小小值 18 24 保留经典黑红配色:ASRock 华擎 发布 FATAL1TY Z270 GAMING 系列四款新品主板 资讯小小值...
the Fatal1ty Z270 Gaming-ITX/ac. The concept and the design of the Z270 Gaming-ITX/ac are antithetical to those of the Z270H4-I Durathon 2, with ASRock trying to load the most and best possible features on the tiny Mini ITX motherboard, the result of which is an impressive list of...
ASRock strives to build up its own brand. With the 3C design concept, “Creativity, Consideration, Cost-effectiveness”, the company explores the limit of motherboards manufacturing while paying attention on the eco issue at the same time, developing products with the consideration of eco-friendly...
AMD Ryzen很快将迎来升级更新,X470新平台也将随之而来,今天ASRock(华擎)率先发布了新平台两款新品,分别是Fatal1ty X470 Gaming K4和Fatal1ty X470 Master SLI,定位“费特拉提”家族,两款配置规格几乎相同,区别在于后者是专门针对NVIDIA SLI平台打造,两款均主打性价比,拥有高端血统,适合中高端游戏平台选择。据悉,两款...
1151 Intel Z270 Fatal1ty Z270 Gaming K6 All 1151 Intel Z270 Fatal1ty Z270 Gaming K4 All 1151 Intel H270 Fatal1ty H270 Performance All 1151 Intel H270 H270M-ITX/ac All 1151 Intel Q270 H310CM-HDV/M.2 SE 1.10 1151 Intel B250 Fatal1ty B250 Gaming K4 All 1151 Intel B250 Fatal1ty B250M...
ASRock Fatal1ty Z270 Gaming K6 评测,伴随今年的Intel 第七代酷睿(Kaby Lake)和200系芯片组的推出 , ASRock华擎这次更新换代的产品中先来到Chiphell的是其一直以来都广受玩家欢迎的”6”系:并且是属于ASRock游戏至尊系列的ASRock Fatal1ty Z270 Gaming K6 ...,主板,评测 ,C
1151 Intel Z270 Fatal1ty Z270 Gaming K4 All 1151 Intel Z270 Fatal1ty Z270 Gaming-ITX/ac All 1151 Intel H270 Fatal1ty H270 Performance All 1151 Intel H270 Fatal1ty H270M Performance All 1151 Intel H270 H270M-ITX/ac All 1151 Intel H270 H270 Pro4 All 1151 Intel H270 H270M Pro4 All...