Today Karachi Sun Set time or Iftar Time in Karachi is 6:52 AM and Dawn break Time or the end of Sehri Time in Karachi is 5:36 AM. Along with Karachi Prayers times you can also read the Karachi Sehri and Iftar time for Fiqa Hanafi (sunni) or Karachi Sehri and Iftar time for ...
The Asr prayer time in Karachi today (September 25, 2024) is at 4:44 PM. The Asr prayer time in Riyadh today is at 3:10 PM. The time difference between Karachi and Riyadh is 1 hour and 34 minutes, with Karachi being ahead., Sep 25, 2024 #3 Aay1K0 New Member...
Today Lahore Sun Set time or Iftar Time in Lahore is 6:26 AM and Dawn break Time or the end of Sehri Time in Lahore is 5:06 AM. Along with Lahore Prayers times you can also read the Lahore Sehri and Iftar time for Fiqa Hanafi (sunni) or Lahore Sehri and Iftar time for Fiqa...
Today Bagh Sun Set time or Iftar Time in Bagh is 6:27 AM and Dawn break Time or the end of Sehri Time in Bagh is 5:04 AM. Along with Bagh Prayers times you can also read the Bagh Sehri and Iftar time for Fiqa Hanafi (sunni) or Bagh Sehri and Iftar time for Fiqa Jafria ...