This chapter describes the command-line interface (CLI) techniques and commands used to manage and configure the hardware components of a router running the Cisco IOS XR software. For complete descriptions of the commands listed in this module,...
This chapter describes the command-line interface (CLI) techniques and commands used to manage and configure the hardware components of a router running the Cisco IOS XR software. For complete descriptions of the commands ...
MandatoryForthelatestupgradedocumentspleaserefertothefollowingpage:http://.cisco/web/Cisco_IOS_XR_Software/index.htmlInCiscoASR9000SeriesRouterstartinginsoftwarerelease4.0.0,theminimumconfigurableloggingbufferedsizewasincreasedto307200.Anyconfigurationwithavaluelessthan307200 will fail to upgrade to Release 4.2....
Therefore, the IS-IS Hello packets are dropped on the remote ASR9000 router. Procedure This problem can be solved using either of the following methods: Set the MTU value on the CE12800's interface to 9126 (MTU for Layer 2 Ethernet frames on the ASR9000) – 14 (Ethernet frame header ...
Therefore, the IS-IS Hello packets are dropped on the remote ASR9000 router. Procedure This problem can be solved using either of the following methods: Set the MTU value on the CE12800's interface to 9126 (MTU for Layer 2 Ethernet frames on the ASR9000) – 14 (Ethernet frame header ...
The file could be uploaded to the router using the on-board USB port. 0 Helpful Reply MatteoBolognino6613 Level 1 In response to Leo Laohoo 01-18-2022 02:12 PM Do you have the detailed procedure to copy the image from USB to the ASR and to proceed with the upgrade? Thanks...
Upgrade the FPDs. This step is required because nV edge requires at least the RSP rommons to be corresponding to the 4.2.1 version. Find the serial numbers of each chassis. The serial number is found in the “SN:” field in the example below (the FOX.. values)(...
Cisco ASR 9000 Series Aggregation Services Router, Release 4.3.4 Upgrade and Downgrade Procedure 上传者:jingdeming时间:2015-09-24 cisco asr 9000-宽带接入配置 cisco asr 9000 系列产品手册,宽带接入配置,宽带网关配置,DHCP配置 上传者:wyhkv时间:2018-11-28 ...
This chapter describes the command-line interface (CLI) techniques and commands used to manage and configure the hardware components of a router running the Cisco IOS XR software. For complete descriptions of the commands...
Router(config-sr-te)# policy POLICY1 Router(config-sr-te-policy)# srv6 locator loc1 binding-sid dynamic behavior ub6-insert-reduced Router(config-sr-te-policy)# color 10 end-point ipv6 FCBB:BB00:2::1 Router(config-sr-te-policy...