(ASQ-3), to help you keep track of your child's development. The questionnaire may be provided every 2-, 4- or 6-month period. You will be asked to answer questions about some things your child can and cannot do. The questionnaire includes questions about your child's communication, ...
reduce of infantsand the educationofinfants. high-risk strengthenearly words factors infant;AgesStages Key Questionnaire;developmentalscreening;influence o~3岁是儿童早期发展的重要阶段,这段时期 发育监测可确保尽早发现儿童神经发育落后,并对 是人类大脑发育最快的时期,也是可塑性最强的时 婴儿进行及早干预治疗,...
Parent Street address:Names of people assisting in questionnaire completion:Grandparent or other relative Guardian Foster parent Teacher Child care provider Other:Please provide the following information. Use black or blue ink only and print legibly when completing this form.Baby’s first name:Baby’s...
目的 了解深圳市3~4月龄要儿的综合发育情况,筛查出可能发育落后的婴儿,并分析其影响因素.方法 采用《年龄与发育进程问卷-第三版》(ASQ-3)中的4月龄问卷,于2015年1月至8月期间调查了2 246例3~4月龄的婴儿,问卷包括5个能区,分别为沟通,粗大动作,精细动作,解决问题和个人-社会能区.结果 有15.6%的婴儿1个或...
ASQ-3 27 Months 英文
(ASQ-3), to help you keep track of your child's development. The questionnaire may be provided every 2-, 4- or 6-month period. You will be asked to answer questions about some things your child can and cannot do. The questionnaire includes questions about your child's communication, ...
Parent Street address:Names of people assisting in questionnaire completion:Grandparent or other relative Guardian Foster parent Teacher Child care provider Other:Please provide the following information. Use black or blue ink only and print legibly when completing this form.Child’s first name:Child’...