reduce of infantsand the educationofinfants. high-risk strengthenearly words factors infant;AgesStages Key Questionnaire;developmentalscreening;influence o~3岁是儿童早期发展的重要阶段,这段时期 发育监测可确保尽早发现儿童神经发育落后,并对 是人类大脑发育最快的时期,也是可塑性最强的时 婴儿进行及早干预治疗,...
2.3.1. Ages and Stages Questionnaire Social-Emotional (ASQ-SE; [12]) The ASQ-SE assesses children's social-emotional development and screens for delay or problems by addressing seven behavioral dimensions: self-regulation, compliance, communication, adaptive functioning, autonomy, affect, and interact...
(2006). Adaptation of the 36-month Ages and Stages Questionnaire in Taiwan. Journal of Early Intervention, 28(3), 213–225. Vameghi R, Sajedi F, Mojembari AK, Habiollahi A, Lornezhad HR, Delavar B. (2013). Cross- cultural adaptation, validation ...
Resolve to get the most out of your screening program. By avoiding these four common mistakes, you can be sure your ASQ scores are accurate every time. Mistake #1: Choosing the wrong questionnaire. If a parent is given the incorrect questionnaire for his or her child’s age, the score won...