instance3.initVerify(generatePublic2); instance3.update(bytes);if(!instance3.verify(a)) {thrownewDiagramException("The signature is invalid."); } } }catch(Exception ex) {thrownewDiagramException("License signature reading error or signature is invalid."); } } 结合两段代码,重点在于<Data>结构...
22.throw new IllegalStateException("The signature is invalid."); 23.} 24.} 可见这是使用rsa加密验证许可证的合法性,只需要屏蔽验证过程许可证即有效,使用javassist进行代码修改: 1.public static void changeMethod() throws Exception { 2.ClassPool.getDefault().insertClassPath( 3."D:/aspose-words-18.6...
signature.initVerify(publicKey); signature.update(paramArrayOfByte1);if(!signature.verify(paramArrayOfByte2)) {thrownewIllegalStateException("The signature is invalid."); } }privatestaticString zzZ(Element paramElement, String paramString) { Element element;return((element = zzX(paramElement, paramS...
Signature check error. The signature is invalid. 找到之后,分别记下它们都位于哪个类中,我发现三个抛错信息都是在: com.aspose.slides.obfuscated.alu.class 类中。 根据反编译的源码,我分析出只需要抛出“Signature check error.”异常的地方,直接屏蔽抛出异常的代码或直接删除,就不会再抛出License签名验证失败的...
throw new IllegalStateException("The signature is invalid."); } } 可见这是使用rsa加密验证许可证的合法性,只需要屏蔽验证过程许可证即有效,使用javassist进行代码修改: public static void changeMethod() throws Exception { ClassPool.getDefault().insertClassPath( ...
ExceptionMessage=Invalid license signature. Please make sure the license file was not modified Note: I have neither modified the file name nor opened the file. I am using license file in c# .NET as below. string fileLocation = @“E:\AsposeLicense\”; ...
UTF8 problem in the reason signature field aspose-pdf-net,pdf-signature 5362024 年11 月 27 日 Invalid License Signature on new license 34172024 年11 月 27 日 AbsorbedTable rectangle ignores borderless table's empty rows and columns aspose-pdf-java ...
Causedby: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Invalid license signature. Please make sure the license file wasnotmodified. at com.aspose.words.zzWS3.<init>(Unknown Source) at com.aspose.words.zzWS3.<clinit>(Unknown Source) 创建 21 年 6 月 ...
Invalid license signature error message when a license is applied. FileCorruptedException is thrown upon loading DOCX document. DOCX to MD: Ticks not converted correctly. Content appears on the wrong page in AW layout. Incorrect paragraph border position. ...
Sign(ArtifactsDir + "DocumentBuilder.SignatureLineProviderId.docx", ArtifactsDir + "DocumentBuilder.SignatureLineProviderId.Signed.docx", certHolder, signOptions); // 重新打开我们保存的文档,并验证“IsSigned”和“IsValid”属性都等于“true”, // 表示签名行包含签名。 doc = new Document(ArtifactsDir ...