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Acredito que seja algo relacionado ao próprio jogo, pois o porte dele para PC está mal otimizado. Em atualizações posteriores acredito estar tudo resolvido e sem maiores problemas. Proton 7.0-3 Distro:Kubuntu 22.04 LTS Kernel:5.15.0-33-generic RAM:8 GB GPU Driver:4.6 Mesa 22.0.1 GPU...
Wargo, "Digital Image Correlation Techniques to Investigate Strain Fields and Cracking Phenomena in Asphalt Materials", Materials and Structures, Vol 47, No 8, August 2014W.G. Buttlar, B.C. Hill, Y.R. Kim, M.E. Kutay, A. Millien, A. Montepara, et al., Digital image correlation ...
Birgisson B, Montepara A, Romeo E, Roncella R, Tebaldi G, Roque R (2008) The use of digital image correlation for accurate determination of fracture energy density in hot mix asphalt (HMA). In: 6th RILEM international conference on cracking in pavements. Chicago Illinois, 2008: 811–820 ...
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of various parafibre lengths on mechanical properties of hot mix asphalt through Marshall strength, indirect tensile strength, and resilient modulus tests. To achieve this, we added 0.5% fibre by weight of the asphalt mixture with lengths of 3,...
The compaction process of PAs differs from those of the conventional dense-graded mixes, which involve both static steel wheel rollers and pneumatic-tired rollers [8]. PAs are typically compacted only by a static steel roller with a few passes over the surface [9,10]. However, a serious ...
Paranavithana, S.; Mohajerani, A. Effects of Recycled Concrete Aggregates on Properties of Asphalt Concrete. Resour. Conserv. Recycl. 2006, 48, 1–12. [CrossRef] 21. Arulrajah, A.J.; Piratheepan, M.W.B.; Sivakugan, N. Geotechnical Characteristics of Recycled Crushed Brick Blends for...
2a01ft8e, r10s,exparation by erosion. Performing this operation in an uncontrolled way causes m9 oafn1y7 ssiinnggllee oobbjjeeccttss ttoo bbee iinntteerrnnaallllyy sspplliitt.. CCooddiinngg sseevveerraall sstteeppss ooff eerroossiioonn aanndd ddiillaattiioonn iinn aa lliimmiitte...
/0.05(mm) 1792 1792 2048 2048 (a) (b) (a) (b) Figure 8. Comparison between the original surface and the 3D reconstructed surface: (a) original FFipiggauuvrreeem88e..nCCtootemmxptpuaarrreiis;so(obnn)bbreeetctwwoneeefiengnutthrheeedooprriaiggviiennmaallesnsuutrrtffeaaxccteeuaraenn.dd...
CR = Was Wasw (8) The greater the compatibility ratio of the asphalt aggregate combination, the better the adhesion performance between the two, and the stronger the water damage resistance. 3. Materials and Methods 3.1. Materials SK base asphalt binder with a penetration grade of 90 was ...