一个重要的工作菌株,ATCC16404,原名为Aspergillusniger黑曲霉,现早已经更名为Aspergillusbrasiliensis巴西曲霉。 ATCC16404是美国典型菌种保藏中心(ATCC)1965年开始保藏的一株丝孢类真菌,最早定名为黑曲霉Aspergillusniger,之后作为丝孢类真菌的代表,在各国的标准里面广泛被作为标准菌株。 目前各国的药典、化妆品标准、食品检...
黑曲霉Aspergillus niger价格:¥900/瓶产品详情:详细的产品信息请联系我司销售索取! 1、菌种活化前,将冷冻管保存在低温、清洁、干燥的环境中,长时间室温下放置会导致菌种... 包装规格:冻干粉;斜面;菌液;平板 用途:科研 货号:KBR-BN0517 品牌:科博瑞
Eight (A. brasiliensis, A. carbonarius, A. japonicus, A. luchuensis (= A. acidus), A. niger (= A. foetidus), A. tubingensis, A. uvarum, A. welwitschiae (= A. awamori) of the 30 accepted species in section Nigri are reported to cause infections in humans. The identified pathogenic...
英文名称:Aspergillus brasiliensis (niger) ATCC®9642 产地:英国oxoid 品牌:oxoid 包装规格:250克 100ML 250ML 500ML BO8008M BO8008T BO8008V 质 控 菌 株 106 菌株英文名称 中文名称 货号 价格 A Acinetobacter baumanii ATCC®19606™* 鲍曼不动杆菌 ATCC®19606™* CL1007 978.00 ...
产品名称:黑曲霉NCPF2275 Aspergillus brasiliensis (niger) 产品型号: 产品产地:其它 采购热度:478 发布时间:2011/12/24 15:51:25 简介内容:上海艾研专业代理销售各种源肿瘤,正常组织细胞,原代细胞的培养,请致电咨询。 详细内容/Content Escherichia coli 大肠埃希菌NCTC12923 ...
Quinones represent an important group of highly structurally diverse, mainly polyketide-derived secondary metabolites widely distributed among filamentous
niger and Aspergillus brasiliensis (Fig. 2). Table 1 Reciprocal average nucleotide identity (ANI, Goris et al. 2007) of relevant Aspergillus species. A standalone version of the software was downloaded from http://enve-omics.ce.gatech.edu/ani/. Pair-wise comparisons of different combinations ...
The effects of electric current on membranes associated with metabolism modifications in Aspergillus brasiliensis (niger) ATCC 9642 were studied. A 450-mL electrochemical cell with titanium ruthenium-oxide coated electrodes and packed with 15g of perlite, as inert support, was inoculated with A. ...
engineering for citrate production Xian Yin1,2, Hyun-dong Shin3, Jianghua Li1,2, Guocheng Du1,2, Long Liu1,2 & Jian Chen1 Despite a long and successful history of citrate production in Aspergillus niger, the molecular mechanism of citrate accumulation is only partially ...
货号: 巴西曲霉Aspergillus brasiliensis ATCC 16404 (CICC 40372) 英文名称: CICC 保质期: 10年 个月 保存条件: 4度 本公司提供atcc标准菌株,有菌种证书,每套菌种菌包含标准冻干菌株以及菌株复溶液,方便成活 【产品用途】atcc、cmcc标准菌种、标准菌株、质控菌种、质控菌株用于实验室质控、检测用 【产品规格】...