He or she may have a tendency to talk at length about just one or very few specific subjects. This is pretty common in a lot of kids, but could be an Asperger’s symptom if it’s a highly focused interest, like train schedules, for example, or the Latin names of flowers. He or s...
Motivation is something that is hard for some kids to get going in their lives. A part of the reason may be that they are unsure of themselves and do not exactly know how to express these feelings to others in a way that can be understood easily. Good parents like you identify this is...
Test the Student— Children on the autism spectrum often display what is known as “splinter skills” (i.e., they may excel in one area, even beyond their age level, and yet severely delayed in other areas). For this reason, it is important for a teacher of a student diagnosed with t...
Motivation is something that is hard for some kids to get going in their lives. A part of the reason may be that they are unsure of themselves and do not exactly know how to express these feelings to others in a way that can be understood easily. Good parents like you identify this is...
Special Offer for Single Parents of Kids on the Autism Spectrum COMMENTS: • Anonymous said… Thanks for the reminders. So easy to forget to take time for yourself with everything going on and being the only parent holding things together. ...
Yes, she will now test two great toys in front of the camera. This all took place at the end of October when we headed off to the Camden studios for a spot of filming. It was a long morning but Alice loved it. Tesco’s did well to keep the kids entertained when not filming and...
Don’t get me wrong, I adore our three kids and given the option, wouldn’t send any of them back (well, not today anyway…) But, they do tend to play havoc with my carefully laid plans, try my patience with their ‘deafness’ and test my parenting skills with their challenges. ...
Living With Aspergers Syndrome:ASD or DSM 5 Aspergers in kids, teens, girls/women & adults with long term autism or high functioning asperger behavior symptoms, signs, test diagnosing & treatments EISBN:6610000065813 出版年:2018 页数:30
autism presents itself in rather unique ways in every individual case. Each autistic person has his/her own brand of autism, so to speak. And to this day, even professionals are trying to come to terms with this fact, making access to services and advocacy for some kids like our daughter...
Kids with AS can be difficult to parent and to love even when they are young. Often, our kids neither accept nor express love or other positive feelings in ways a neurotypical parent expects or finds most comfortable. Kids’ behavior can be trying or embarrassing for us. Adding adolescence ...