In summary, I advise any person who is having doubts about their feelings and emotions and their place in the world to seek out honest, competent and caring professional help. I had no idea about Asperger’s disorder until I was 52 years old. I can’t replace all that I’ve missed out...
. If you are an adult and suspect you might be on the autism spectrum, this concise guide can help you understand what autistic traits typically look like in adults, how to decide if seeking a diagnosis is worthwhile, what an adult ASD assessment consists of, how to find a professional ne...
There isn’t a lot of self-help literature available for those of us in aspie-NT marriages, especially for aspie women married to NT men (the reverse combination is far more common). Beyond the usual factors that determine the success of a marriage, there are a few unique areas that can...
or screaming at their child to ‘just behave’. I would pull my nose up at dirty, snot-nosed kids, running willy-nilly in mismatched outfits, as their mothers looked away in quiet desperation. Don’t these women have any pride
After all, it was Dr. Gail Saltz in her book “The Power of Different” that reveals how medical science is discovering positive traits (almost super human) that are programmed in the mind of those on the Spectrum. Continue Reading
The first account of the syndrome now known by his name was published by Hans Asperger in 1944, referred to then as “autistic psychopathy” (Baron-Cohen, 1988). Asperger noted that his four young male subjects shared the traits which would later be described as those of ASD, but without ...