but could be an Asperger’s symptom if it’s a highly focused interest, like train schedules, for example, or the Latin names of flowers. He or she may obsessively catalog or collect statistics or facts about the subject, and show
Going now over memories and facts – it seems so obvious and clear, scattering any sign of doubt. I thought whether to get an official diagnostic, and what that would bring to my life, both positive and negative. Being a grown up, who’s made it so far in a bizarro world, with lear...
Autism Facts and History Autism Causes and Cures Sensory Differences Bad Behavior Isn’t What You Think Autism Related Disorders Autistic Behaviors Aspergers Defined PDA Pathological Demand Avoidance Mental Health Obsession, Routine, Repetition Autism and Gender ...
Adults with Asperger’s will often have a difficult time connecting emotionally with others, due to difficulty expressing empathy. They often struggle to respond in an emotional way in social interactions. For example, they may not express happiness in response to another person’s happiness. None ...
Journalist -- Very accurate facts, can be done as freelance Laboratory technician -- Running laboratory equipment Library science -- reference librarian. Help individuals find information in the library or on the Internet. Physicist or mathematician -- There are very few jobs in these fields. Only...
10 Facts You May Not Know About the Book Everyday Aspergers Are we friends yet? (Facebook link) Okay … done! Although, I don’t think this is what my publisher had in mind.(scan down for more.) On a side note, I will speak to you as if you and I are in a cafe, and I’...
As alarming as those facts sounded, they didn’t touch me directly until Eve casually said, “So, you should put Gregory onto the waiting list right now. Then, by the time he needs it, there might be a facility available for him.” I blanched and struggled to understand what she was ...
• Increase in dropout rates.” (4) “Parents, educators, and other adults are the most important advocates that a student with disabilities can have.” (3) It is important that all involved adults learn and know how to communicate effectively with children with autism, and never ...
But the tale continues. Furious with two “unsuccessful” diagnosis, Katherine tried another therapist with the same tactics. The same subtle, yet naïvely “helpful” facts that pointed to Asperger’s in her husband were offered in the initial consultation, while at the same time unwittingly re...
More Asperger's Facts Special Education School General Communication Following Instructions Getting Around with a Sense of Humor Body Language Establishing Connections What to Avoid Preventing Unclear Communication Breaking Barriers Social Interaction