$ Session Stop (Error: Private key file not found at path /home/yuntaozhu/.aspera/connect/etc/asperaweb_id_dsa.openssh) 如果你直接下载网上的密钥,大概率会出现 Key passphrase: 嗯,密钥被加密了 因此最简单的方式,是安装早期版本的ascp 配置Aspera Connect 4.1.3 这是最后一个自动安装密钥的版本,安装...
exiting. #Session Stop (Error: Failed to open TCP connection for SSH) #原因:指定的端口UDP po...
2.3用户变量设置(见图1指示3)新建变量名:ASPERA_SCP_PASS:值:在ncbi的下载的文件aspera.openssh的存储地址(文件下载地址在选择aspera传输以后有个keyfile,下载地点如下图3所示,点击即可下载)→保存。 2.4点击Path(见图1指示4),编辑→新建地址(aspera的安装地址记得带上bin,并且文件夹AsperaConnect中间不得有空格,文...
-iEnable public key authentication and specify the putty private key file. If key file is not specified,fasp™looks for the identity file in $HOME/.ssh/id_[algorithm] by default. On Windows and Mac OS X, the putty private key is created when you have established a connection with public...
The gem is signed with a private key, and the public certificate is available in the github repository (certs/aspera-cli-public-cert.pem). When installing the gem, the signature can be optionally verified. For secure installation, one can install the gem with the public key: import the veri...
2. In Aspera on Cloud, add your JWT public key. Use the instructions in the Aspera on Cloud Help Center at https://aspera.ibmaspera.com/helpcenter/using-aspera- on-cloud/procedures/adding-your-public-key. 3. In the Aspera CLI installation, add your private key. The file must be ...
The gem is signed with a private key, and the public certificate is available in the github repository (certs/aspera-cli-public-cert.pem). When installing the gem, the signature can be optionally verified. For secure installation, one can install the gem with the public key: import the veri...
\database #ref: https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/569737356 #遇到错误1:找不到Private key file:asperaweb_id_dsa.openssh ascp.exe: Private key file not found at path C:/Users/Lenovo/.ssh/..\etc\asperaweb_id_dsa.openssh or path C:/Users/Lenovo/.ssh/..\etc\asperaweb_id_dsa.openssh, ...
Use public key authentication and specify the private key file. Typically, the private key file is in the directory $HOME/.ssh/id_[algorithm]. Specify the datagram size (MTU) for fasp. By default, the detected path MTU is used. (Range: 296 to 10000 bytes) Note: As of version 3.3, ...
Transferring in Command-line 53 Option Description -i private- key-file Use public key authentication and specify the private key file. Typically, the private key file is in the directory $HOME/.ssh/id_[algorithm]. -Z dgram- size Specify the datagram size (MTU) for fasp. By default, the...