PSA装置采用变压吸附法又叫PSA(Pressure Swing Adsorption),基于吸附剂对混合气体中不同组分的吸附能力的差异和吸附剂的吸附量随着压力的变化而变化的特性,通过循环周期性地加压吸附、减压解吸,吸附剂再生的过程来实现分离和提纯混合气体的目的[20]。 吸附剂[21]是变压吸附分离工艺的核心和基础,吸附剂的选取会直接影响...
4.3.1变压吸附原理 PSA装置采用变压吸附法又叫PSA(Pressure Swing Adsorption),基于吸附剂对混合气体中不同组分的吸附能力的差异和吸附剂的吸附量随着压力的变化而变化的特性,通过循环周期性地加压吸附、减压解吸,吸附剂再生的过程来实现分离和提纯混合气体的目的[20]。吸附剂[21]是变压吸附分离工艺的核心和基础,吸附...
Therefore in this study, biogas upgrading process using pressure swing adsorption technology is simulated and optimized to minimize the payback period of initial investment. The study showed that operating pressure, residence time and flow rate were the most significant parameters. The optimized process ...
Address pressure-swing adsorption (PSA), temperature-swing adsorption (TSA) and simulated moving bed (SMB) variants such as Intermittent SMB, PowerFeed, ModiCon, and Thermal Gradient. Various Geometry Options Available Choose axial column, horizontal beds and radial beds. Include axial dispersion and...
Aspen Adsorption: enables process simulation and optimisation for a wide range of industrial gas and liquid adsorption processes, including reactive adsorption, ion exchange and cyclic processes: for example, pressure-swing, temperature-swing and vacuum-swing adsorption. ...
利用Aspen plus模拟共沸精馏,利用灵敏度分析工具考察了塔板数,回流比,进料位置,进料温度等对产品的影响,结果显示:随着塔板数量的增加,乙酸乙酯的浓度逐渐增加的同时再沸器热负荷在降低,综合考虑投资成本和运行成本等问题,最终确定塔板数为13.(2)进料位置越靠近塔釜越不利于产品纯度的提高.(3)增大回流比可以有效...
A promising alternative technology to the liquid-phase sorption is to use solid sorbents for capturing CO2 by means of the pressure or temperature swing adsorption system, offering possible energy savings and stable performance. There are different classifications of sorbents; chemical sorbents that ...