)。这样虽然可以使用aspenV12.1(hysys/PLUS/EDR都能使用),但是V12中的新模块比如ASPEN multi-case...
Aspen Plus V12安装教程: 1.下载安装包,解压后打开,进入01-组件文件夹 2.找到Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8右键选择以管理员身份运行 3.如果已经安装过,点击关闭即可,如果没有安装过点击继续安装即可 4.打开控制面板,点击卸载程序 5.点击启用或关闭windows功能 6.勾选.NET Framework 3.5 ,点击确定(如已经开启,可...
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RELEASE OF LATEST VERSION HYSYS V12 Aspen recently released v12.2, users can boost profitability now by closing the gap between planning and actual operations through Aspen HYSYS's V12 release, also can update refinery planning models with streamlined workflows using process simulation solutions calibra...
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