DAO, MIEDO, TRAICIN: ASPECTOS DE LA GNESIS CORPORAL Y SIGNIFICACIN MORAL DEL SENTIDO DE VULNERABILIDADdoi:10.46530/ecdp.v0i33.609VALUES (Ethics)TRUSTAFFECT (Psychology)EMOTIONSSENSESThe paper outlines a phenomenological description of the meaning and moral significance of vulner...
The moral status of the embryo depends on how it is considered. Some believe it is a potential person while others think it is just a group of cells, but all recognize that it requires some kind of respect and protection. There is lack of information about the number of frozen embryos ...
Aspectos ético-filosóficos de la muerte: entre la responsabilidad moral y la deshumanización1doi:10.19053/01235095.v5.n25.2019.8670DEHUMANIZATIONHUMAN beingsSADISMCRUELTYVIOLENCEIn past times, the transgression of the norm that prohibits to murder another h...
Aspectos Generales de la Propia Imagen (General Aspects of the Self Image Right)right of publicityright of privacypersonality merchandisingTalk in our days of intangible assets, generates the idea of talking of assets of economic content that make part of the assets of a company, firm, or a ...
Curriculum development Aspectos medulares a considerar para la incorporacion de la bioetica en el curriculo de biologia de escuela superior en Puerto Rico UNIVERSITY OF PUERTO RICORIO PIEDRAS (PUERTO RICO) Margarita Moscoso-Alvarez Caraballo-LopezSamuel...
Urbano-Moral, Jose AngelLopez-Haldon, Jose EduardoElsevier España, S.L.U.Revista Espaola De CardiologíaJose AngelUrbano-Moral, Jose EduardoLopez-Haldon. (2015) Aspectos poco conocidos de la miocardiopatía hipertrófica. Revista Española de Cardiología 68 , 554-558 /...
Director, Programa de Ética Pediátrica.;Director del Programa de Entrenamiento de Medicina de la Adolescencia.;Director Médico del Programa Donald Delaney de Trastornos de la Alimentación; División de Medicina de la Adolescencia. Children’s National Medical Center;Profesor de Pediatría, Profesor ...
Inteligencia Emocional vs. Inteligencia General: Aspectos a Considerar en la Docencia / Emotional Intelligence vs. General Intelligence: Aspects to Consider in Teachingdoi:10.18870/hlrc.v4i1.199Jose L Martinez RubioEsther MoraledaBlanca Rodriguez
(2017). Sensibilidad de los alumnos admitidos en una facultad de medicina en aspectos relacionales, organizativos y eticos de la practica clinica. Educacion Medica, 18(1), 30-36.Ruiz-Moral R, Caballero-Martinez F, Garcia-de Leonardo C, Monge D. Sensibilidad de los alumnos admitidos en ...
It is a normative concept to define citizenship, which includes a moral conception of human beings- The article claims that, in the articulation of this concept and its associated notions of full autonomy and rationality of agents, political constructivism tak...