You need to install the AspectJ Maven configurator. It is available here: Help -> Install new software... Add this update site to the "work with" section and select the feature. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17...
i.e. on the AspectJ Compiler (AJC) version. See the previous paragraph for how to configure that in Maven. In a nutshell, since AJC 1.9.8 needs JDK 11, AJC 1.9.21 needs JDK 17. This is due to the upstream Eclipse Java Compiler (ECJ) which AJC depends on, not due to AspectJ or...
1. 注意(Notices) 这些都是比较小而且不严重的错误,比如去访问一个未被定义的变量。通常,这类的错...
Hi @kriegaex / team, I'm getting the following import-related error with one of the latest AspectJ versions 1.9.19 for both Java 11 and 17: [INFO] Join point 'method-call(void java.lang.Thread.sleep(long))' in Type '
1.4 language spec. When using -source 1.5 or higher, Java 5 language features are permitted. With --source 1.7 or higher Java 7 features are supported.Default value is: ${}. sources Scanner[] 1.4 Set the java source folders...