参考:MDN – Effects of Preferred Aspect Ratio on Automatic Sizes 如果我没有理解错的话, 应该是说不能 2 个都是自动的. item1 的 height 算是一个 auto height 了, 所以 width 就无效了. 这同样适用于 哦 (我就是遇到 img 的 aspect ratio 在 Flex 不起作用才研究 aspect-ratio 的) 注: 这里的...
aspect-ratio: 1 / 1; aspect-ratio: 1; 现在就是这么简单! 兼容问题 IOS 15 才刚支持,看来还要继续 hack…… Link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/aspect-ratio https://caniuse.com/mdn-css_properties_aspect-ratio
To read more about the aspect-ratio property, check out the MDN reference, as well as the W3C specification. If you’re keen to explore more of the exciting things CSS can do these days, I recommend you check out Unleashing the Power of CSS, where Stephanie Eckles presents all of the ...
11: Not supported Edge 12 - 87: Not supported 88 - 105: Supported 106: Supported Firefox 2 - 88: Not supported 89 - 104: Supported 105: Supported 106 - 107: Supported Chrome 4 - 87: Not supported 88 - 105: Supported 106: Supported ...
- [Can I use 传送门](https://caniuse.com/mdn-css_types_color_space_separated_functional_notation) - [No-Comma Color Functions in CSS](https://css-tricks.com/no-comma-color-functions-in-css) --- ## gap ### 兼容性及参考 - [Can I use 传送门](https://caniuse.com/?search=gap...
So, with the impending arrival ofaspect-ratio(MDN, and not to be confused withthe media query version), I thought I’d take a look at how it works and try to wrap my mind around it. Shout out to Unawhere I first saw this and boy howdy did it strike interest in folks. Here’s ...
In Chromium 88 at least it does not needs to be enabled explicitly anymore but works OOTB according to my tests, so MDN web docs (while writing this) is outdated about this point. With this it is e.g. possible to set both dimensions of an image relative to the parents width, preservin...
Seems like now is a good time to start brushing up on it! CSS Box Sizing Module Level 4(Official specification, currently in Editor’s Draft) MDN Documentation A First Look ataspect-ratio(CSS-Tricks) Defining An Aspect Ratio Unit for CSS(Rachel Andrew,CSS-Tricks notes) Direct Link →...
CSS3 使用 aspect-ratio 属性实现图片固定宽高比 aspect-ratio属性文档可以到MDN查看,下图是浏览器支持情况,可以看到现代浏览器全部都支持这个属性了。 aspect-ratio的语法格式如下:aspect-ratio: <width-ratio>/<height-ratio>(/前后都是大于0的数字,后面数字为1时可以省略) aspect-ratio属性值也可以设置为auto,相当...