aspect ratio n 1.(Electronics) the ratio of width to height of the picture on a television or cinema screen 2.(Aeronautics)aeronauticsthe ratio of the span of a wing to its mean chord Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991,...
effective aspect ratio That aspect ratio of airfoil of elliptical planform that, for same lift coefficient, has same induced-drag coefficient as airfoil, or combination of airfoils in question. Aspect ratio is the ratio of the span of the wing to its chord and also can be expressed as the ...
Low-aspect-ratio wing aerodynamics at low Reynolds numbers. AIAA J 2004; 42: 825-832.Torres GE, Mueller TJ. 2004. Low-aspect-ratio wing aerodynamics at low Reynolds Numbers. AIAA Journal. 42(5):865-878.GE Torres,TJ Mueller.Low-aspect-ratio wing aerodynamics at low Reynolds numbers.AIAA ...
For cylinders with a free downstream end, more particularly cantilevered cylinders, the main destabilizing effect is associated with the tapered free end. Here the reader is referred to the discussion following equation (2.25) and the analogy with a low-aspect-ratio wing. The destabilizing force ...
A tutorial examining wing area and aspect ratio, and how these geometric variables drive an aircraft wing design.
An excellent approximation is derived for the initial lift-curve slope when the aspect ratio ≤2. For large aspect ratios, the lift-curve-slope equation is improved so that it can more accurately calculate the corresponding two-dimensional lift-curve slope from the wind tunnel test data of a ...
An analytical technique to compute the performance of an arbitrary jet-flapped wing is developed. The solution technique is based on the method of Maskell and Spence in which the well-known lifting-line approach is coupled with an auxiliary equation providing the extra function needed in jet-flap...
Exponent in the super-ellipse equation λ : Normalized function of turbulence-kinetic energy ω : Specific dissipation rate s: Static condition t: Total condition ABS: Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene AM: Additive manufacturing AMR: Adaptive mesh refinement AR: Aspect ratio (width/height) ...
网络释义 1. 大高宽比 大高宽比,large aspect... ... ) high aspect ratio 高深宽比 )large aspect ratio大高宽比) large aspect ratio 大宽高比 ...|基于3个网页 2. 大宽高比 大宽高比,large aspect... ... ) high aspect ratio 高深宽比 )large aspect ratio大宽高比) larg...
The A spect Ratio (AR) of w ings is d efi ned as : A R :一S : 一B c。 C T he fl app ing w ing is placed in the fl ow w ith a constant inco ming sp eed and undergo es a com bination of harm onic vertical and ang ular oscill ations . In ...