IfcPlusPlus is an open source C++ class model, as well as a reader and writer for IFC files in STEP format. Features: Easy and efficient memory management using smart pointers. Parallel reader for very fast parsing on multi-core CPU's. Additionally, ther
IfcPlusPlus is an open source C++ class model, as well as a reader and writer for IFC files in STEP format. Features: Easy and efficient memory management using smart pointers. Parallel reader for very fast parsing on multi-core CPU's. Additionally, ther
CMakeLists.txt Dockerfile IfcPlusPlus.sln LICENSE.txt README.md optimbuild.patch runCmake.cmd runCmake.sh set_devenv-VS.cmd README MIT license ABOUT IFC++ IFC++ is an open source IFC implementation for C++. It is very fast, but it has not the lowest possible memory footprint, because ...
Insights Additional navigation options master 4Branches 15Tags Code This branch is1 commit ahead of,16 commits behindifcquery/ifcplusplus:master. Folders and files Name Last commit message Last commit date Latest commit AdrianBunk and mr-c
IfcPlusPlus is an open source C++ class model, as well as a reader and writer for IFC files in STEP format. Features: Easy and efficient memory management using smart pointers. Parallel reader for very fast parsing on multi-core CPU's. Additionally, ther