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产品中心/Products ↓ 科研ELISA试剂盒 ↓ 血清﹠血浆 ↓ 进口抗体 ↓ NEB内切酶 ↓ 生化试剂 ↓ 标准品 联系我们/Contact us 江苏晶美生物科技有限公司 联系人:客服经理 电话:0515-87103988 传真:0515-83911098 邮箱:jsjingmeibio@163.com 网址:www.jsjmsw.com...
NEB LAMP Primer Design Tool FAQs & 问题解决指南 FAQs What regions of the SARS-CoV-2 virus do the LAMP Primers target? How were these primers chosen? Does pre-heating the thermal block impact LAMP amplification reactions? How does the new Omicron variant impact the effectiveness of the SARS...
产品中心/Products ↓ 科研ELISA试剂盒 ↓ 血清﹠血浆 ↓ 进口抗体 ↓ NEB内切酶 ↓ 生化试剂 ↓ 标准品 联系我们/Contact us 江苏晶美生物科技有限公司 联系人:客服经理 电话:0515-87103988 传真:0515-83911098 邮箱:jsjingmeibio@163.com 网址:www.jsjmsw.com...
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英文名称: GemTip Tip Kit for ICP Crossflow Neb 总访问: 831 国产/进口: 进口 半年访问: 111 产地/品牌: 美国 产品类别: 其他实验耗材 规格: N0690676 最后更新: 2024-6-2 货号: 参考报价: 999 立即询价 电话咨询 [发表评论] [本类其他产品] [本类其他供应商] [收藏] 分享:微信新浪微博销售商...
(Bio Rad). The captured glycoproteins were digested overnight by trypsin. Afterwards, the digested glycopeptides were further digested by PNGase F (NEB) to remove the glycans attached to the proteins, and were labeled by H2 18O (Sigma) to confidently assign the N-glycosylation sites. Finally...
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