services.AddDataProtection(x=>x.ApplicationDiscriminator="my_app_sample_identity"); services.AddDataProtection().SetApplicationName("my_app_sample_identity"); 也就是说集群环境下同一应用程序他们需要设定为相同的值(ApplicationName or ApplicationDiscriminator)。 2、主加密键 “Master encryption key”,主要...
ASP.Net Core 3.0 : How to validate JWT Bearer Tokens ASP.NET Core 3.1 Angular Web App builds and runs on Windows but fails on Mac OSX and in Docker ASP.NET Core 3.1 image problem with "~" sign ASP.NET CORE 3.1: Azure AD Authentication fails in EDGE. Infinite redirect loops and page...
若要使应用与 KeyVault 进行通信并使用它向自己授权,必须添加Azure.Identity包。 设置密钥环存储位置设置(例如PersistKeysToAzureBlobStorage)。 必须设置该位置,因为调用ProtectKeysWithAzureKeyVault会实现禁用自动数据保护设置(包括密钥环存储位置)的IXmlEncryptor。 上面的示例使用 Azure Blob 存储来保持密钥环。 有关...
KeyDerivation.Pbkdf2 should not be used in new apps which support password based login and need to store hashed passwords in a datastore. New apps should use PasswordHasher. For more information on PasswordHasher, see Exploring the ASP.NET Core Identity PasswordHasher. The data protection code ...
If you are using Windows integrated authentication in your SQL Server connection string, take advantage of the ASP.NET 2.0 configuration option to connect to the server under the hosting identity rather than request identity like in previous versions. This option is on by default and is configured...
ASP.NET Core MVC - Form Based Authentication ASP.NET How to hide Server Error in '/' Application page AsP.NET HTTP 404. The resource you are looking for (or one of its dependencies) could have been remove ASP.NET Identity 2.0 - How to add a User to a Role? label refresh ...
string aes = "123456".AESEncrypt("abc");// AES密钥加密为密文 string s = aes.AESDecrypt("...
IdentityResult result =await_userManager.CreateAsync(user, vm.Password);if(!result.Succeeded) {foreach(varerrorinresult.Errors) { ModelState.AddModelError("",error.Description); }returnView(vm); }await//_userManager.AddToRoleAsync(user,UserRole.Member.ToString());returnRedirectToAction(nameof(Ind...
我有一个 ASP.Net MVC 项目,它在使用时运行良好HashAlgorithm,但我试图在 ASP.NET Core 2 中复制这个相同的项目,但出现以下错误: System.PlatformNotSupportedException HResult=0x80131539 消息=此平台不支持操作。Source=System.Security.Cryptography.Primitives StackTrace:在 System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithm...
ASP.NET Core微服务(六)——【redis命令详细列表1】_红目香薰的博客- 对象hash 添加hash-获取hash表中指定的filed值 hset key filed value hset superGirl id 1 hset superGirl userName yuYan hset superGirl introduce shy hmget superGirl id userName introduce ...