这些纤维素主要是由棉纤维细胞次生壁形成期的纤维素合酶复合体 (Cellulose Synthase Complex,CSC) 所合成。研究表明,棉纤维细胞可能拥有独特的纤维素合酶超级复合体,能够形成显著不同于其他组织或物种的72链纤维素微纤丝 (Wen et al.,...
这些纤维素主要是由棉纤维细胞次生壁形成期的纤维素合酶复合体 (Cellulose Synthase Complex,CSC) 所合成。研究表明,棉纤维细胞可能拥有独特的纤维素合酶超级复合体,能够形成显著不同于其他组织或物种的72链纤维素微纤丝 (Wen et al., ...
beautify code and set Material Kit theme as default theme Feb 14, 2021 MixCore.sln move sln file to root May 28, 2021 README.md Update README.md Jan 25, 2023 SECURITY.md Create SECURITY.md Dec 22, 2020 appveyor.yml upd appvyor ...
The study protocol was presented as supplementary material. Registration and ethic approval Our study protocol was approved by the Ethics Committee of the Affiliated Hospital of Southwest Medical University (Approval No. KY2019177) and registered on the Chinese Clinical Trial Registry on 20th January ...
EXCELLENT MATERIAL 一家集稀土添加冶炼,电渣重熔,锻造,机加工一体的现代化科技企业 工艺成熟 MATURE TECHNOLOGY 专注于制造冲压金属手表壳和金属手表带的预硬板块 性能稳定 STABLE PROPERTY 通过研发和技术改进,生产了新的高速钢钢种“M2A” 质量良好 GOOD QUALITY 一直秉承着“严格的品质管理,优良的品牌...
Console.WriteLine(encryptedXmlInfo.EncryptedElement);// Note: We cannot read the escrowed key material ourselves.// We need to get a member of CONTOSO\Domain Admins to read// it for us in the event we need to recover it.} } }/* ...
When Windows DPAPI is used, key material is encrypted withCryptProtectDatabefore being persisted to storage. DPAPI is an appropriate encryption mechanism for data that's never read outside of the current machine (though it's possible to back these keys up to Active Directory). To configure ...
The ApiExplorer class provides the raw material for creating a help page. For each API, ApiExplorer contains an ApiDescription that describes the API. For this purpose, an "API" is defined as the combination of HTTP method and relative URI. For example, here are some distin...
下面的组件在不同的用例条件下呈现更加一致(适用于通用和Material主题): Button Calendar Toolbar DateBox Scheduler FieldSet List 例如,工具栏的溢出菜单中的按钮现在反映指定的类型和样式模式。 验证消息位置 新的validationMessagePosition选项指定验证消息相对于编辑器输入区域的位置,可用的设置包括:'bottom'(默认),'...
3、Material Components for the webMaterial Components for the web(MDC Web),是谷歌专为Web设计的全新前端框架。MDC Web可帮助开发人员执行Material Design,组件由谷歌的核心工程师团队和UX设计人员开发。这些组件可以建立可靠的开发工作流程,以构建美观且功能强大的Web项目。