1 珂兰阿索罗普洛赛克起泡酒 Kirkland Asolo Prosecco Superiore DOCG, Veneto, Italy年份全部年份 NV国内市场参考价:¥160 (NV年份) 产区 意大利 » 威尼托 酒款综述 这是一款来自意大利威尼托产区的起泡酒。红酒世界APP 红酒知识大全,拍酒标查红酒 下载...
白葡萄品种包括卡尔卡耐卡(Garganega)、特雷比奥罗(Trebbiano)、托凯(Tocai)、普洛赛克(Prosecco)、维多佐(Verduzzo)、达莱洛(Durella)、维斯派拉(Vespaiola)、霞多丽(Chardonnay)、长相思(Sauvignon Blanc)、白皮诺(Pinot Bianco);红葡萄品种包括梅洛(Merlot)、赤霞珠(Cabernet Sauvignon)、科维纳(Corvina)、罗蒂内拉(Rond...
酒款类型: 起泡酒 酒庄: 产区: 意大利 Italy>威尼托 Veneto 酿酒葡萄: 酒款年份: NV年 国内市场参考价: ¥160 酒款综述OVERVIEW 关于“珂兰阿索罗普洛赛克起泡酒(Kirkland Asolo Prosecco Superiore DOCG, Veneto, Italy) ”的酒款综述 这是一款来自意大利威尼托产区的起泡酒。
Prosecco Superiore DOCG的要求更为严格,包括酒精含量、庄园年产量以及葡萄采摘和储存的方法等。产区分布在Valdobbiadene、Conegliano和Asolo这三个小镇,它们都位于山脉之中,葡萄种植在接近60度的斜坡上,这样葡萄能充分接触阳光,成熟度高,果香浓郁。🌟 Asolo Prosecco DOCG的甜度等级 Asolo Prosecco DOCG有三种甜度等级,都...
这是一个代表了阿索罗·蒙特洛葡萄酒产区协会(Consorzio Vini Asolo Montello)风格特点的酒瓶,瓶中装的是阿索罗超级普洛塞克(Asolo Prosecco Superiore DOCG)保证法定产区干型(Brut)起泡葡萄酒,采用来自阿索罗·蒙特洛法定产区单一葡萄园的歌蕾拉(Glera)葡萄酿造。新的阿索罗普洛塞克专属酒瓶呈现出一幅清新的形象:在...
Montelvini - Asolo Prosecco Superiore Brut NV (750ml), 750 ml Check with the merchant for stock availability.Wine-Searcheris not responsible for omissions and inaccuracies. Also from 'Montelvini Montelvini'(20)Learn more ¥54 Montelvini 'El Zuiter' ...
Spumante Superiore Sui Lieveti wines are single-harvest wines. They undergo second fermentation in bottle, unlike most Prosecco, which uses the tank method. They must spend at least 90 days on the lees and are left undisgorged, so sediment is left in the bottle. The consumer has the choice...
Whoopi Goldberg Announces Her Newest Whoopi Prosecco Superiore DOCG With a Premium New Design and Same Great Taste Nov 15, 2023 News Provided By Share This Article Whoopi Goldberg Launches Newest Edition of Whoopi Prosecco Line Whoopi Goldberg Whoopi Goldberg launches the newest edition of the Whoopi...
Nel cuore della Marca Trevigiana, ai piedi dei Colli Asolani e del comprensorio del Montello, sorge Cantina Montelliana. Una cooperativa di 400 viticoltori associati che producono vini eccellenti, su tutti l’Asolo Prosecco Superiore DOCG ed il Prosecco DOC Treviso (sia spumanti che frizzanti)...
Next, their Asolo Prosecco DOCG Superiore Brut. A dry prosecco, but with residual sugars of 6.3 g/l, noticeably sweeter than the Colfondo. Produced using the Martinotti methods, it ages on it’s lees as well during the second fermentation. Elegant, with flavors of apple, a slight touch of...