权力的游戏附录中的北方地图(Map of the North)包含了颈泽以北的所有地理信息。该图由James Sinclair绘制。 地名 先民荒冢Barrowlands 寒冰湾Bay of Ice 海豹湾Bay of Seals 熊岛Bear Island 血门Bloody Gate 黑城堡Castle Black 东海望Eastwatch-by-the-Sea ...
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He is perturbed when his uncleTyrion Lannisteris made actingHand of the King. Rumors about his parentage begin to circulate and he confronts his mother, Queen RegentCersei Lannisterwith them. He asks her about KingRobert Baratheon's bastard children and she slaps him. He threatens her life and...
头衔King in the North Lord of Winterfell 其他称号The Young Wolf The King Who Lost the North The Wolf Pup King Robb 状态死亡 年龄18 in Season 3[1] 出生Shortly before the endofRobert's Rebellion,281 AL 死亡Wounded byFreycrossbowmen, then fatally stabbed through the heart byRoose Bolton ...
but Jon convinces him that the castle is too heavily fortified and advises him to retake other parts of the North from the Ironborn. Stannis attacks Deepwood Motte and takes Theon Greyjoy's sister, Asha, prisoner, in the process winning the allegiance of several Northern Houses. Stannis then...
权力的游戏附录中的北方地图(Map of the North)包含了 颈泽以北的所有地理信息。该图由James Sinclair绘制。 地名 先民荒冢Barrowlands 寒冰湾Bay of Ice 海豹湾Bay of Seals 熊岛Bear Island 血门Bloody Gate 黑城堡Castle Black 东海望Eastwatch-by-the-Sea 灰水望Greywater Watch 铁群岛Iron Islands 卡霍城Karho...
{{Location map| File:The North.png | label = '''寒冰湾''' | lat = 50 | long = -70 | position = right | mark = Wolff2.PNG | marksize = 9 | width = 400 | float = right | caption = [[北境]]及寒冰湾地理位置 | alt = [[北境]]及寒冰湾地理位置 }} '''寒冰湾'''{{en...
{{ref|AWOIAF|Hornwood's pin on the map of Westeros}} ==近期事件== ===魔龙的狂舞=== {{section|adwd}} [[白港伯爵]][[威曼·曼德勒]]告诉[[戴佛斯·席渥斯]],他可以让羊头山支持[[史坦尼斯·拜拉席恩]]国王。{{ref|ADWD|29}} ==引用与注释== {{references|2}} {{Region North}} {{...
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