{intattrtype = luaL_checkint(L,2);size_tsize;intret;constchar*data = luaL_checklstring(L,3, &size);if(attr->single)ASN1_TYPE_free((ASN1_TYPE*)attr->value.ptr);elsesk_ASN1_TYPE_pop_free(attr->value.set,ASN1_TYPE_free); attr->value.ptr =NULL; ret = X509_ATTRIBUTE_set1_da...
importorg.apache.harmony.security.asn1.ASN1Type;//导入依赖的package包/类publicstaticvoidcheckEncode(Object value,ASN1Typetype){if(typeinstanceofASN1Implicit) { type = getWrappedType((ASN1Implicit) type); }if(typeinstanceofASN1Integer || typeinstanceofASN1Enumerated) { Assert.assertTrue(valueins...
ASN.1 Type System Article 01/08/2021 4 contributors Feedback The concept of a data type is fundamental to the Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1) standard. Every field of a certificate request structure is associated with a type. Consider, for example, the PKCS #10 ASN.1 certificate ...
ASN.1 Previous: Modules Up: Modules and Assignments Next: Value Assignment Type AssignmentA type assignment consists of a type reference (the name of the type), the character sequence ::= (‘‘is defined as’’), and the appropriate type. Each of the components must be separated by at ...
1. 错误的具体含义 pyasn1.type.error.ValueConstraintError 是pyasn1 库在处理 ASN.1 数据类型时抛出的一个异常。ASN.1(Abstract Syntax Notation One)是一种标准化的跨平台数据描述语言,常用于在计算机网络协议中描述数据结构。当尝试给一个 ASN.1 类型分配一个不符合其值约束的值时,就会触发这个错误。
a sequence of other types. When a type is or contains only basic types, string types, orANY, it cannot be broken down further. For example, theversionfield is aCertificationRequestInfoVersiontype which is, in turn, anINTEGERtype, a basic ASN.1 type that is not composed from other types...
pyasn1.type.univ.OctetString() pyasn1.type.univ.BitString() pyasn1.type.univ.Integer() pyasn1.type.univ.ObjectIdentifier() pyasn1.type.namedtype.NamedTypes() pyasn1.type.namedtype.NamedType() pyasn1.type.char.IA5String() pyasn1.type.tag.tagFormatSimple() pyasn1.type....
The following are 5 code examples of pyasn1.type.univ.Real(). You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may also want to check out all available functions/...
___BER:把ASN.1表示的抽象类型值编码为字节串。这种字节串的结构为___,简称___(Type-Length-Value),而值部分value可递归地再编码为TLV结构,如图所示:P32 1)第一个字节(8位)为类型TYPE,用来表示___或用户定义的类型。这个字节的前两位用来区分4种标签(00为通用标签、01为应用标签,10位上下文专用标签、11...
需要注意的是,没有NamedType的ASN.1序列可能会导致数据结构的可读性和可维护性下降,因为缺乏字段的具体描述和标识。因此,在设计ASN.1序列时,建议尽量使用NamedType来明确字段的含义和类型。 腾讯云相关产品和产品介绍链接地址: 腾讯云云服务器(CVM):https://cloud.tencent.com/product/cvm ...