MARRIAGEISLAMIC lawCIVIL codeDIVORCEA marriage union, established between a man and a woman who are not prevented from getting married, in accordance with the conditions determined by religion and law, allows the spouses to join their lives in a legitimate way with the marria...
The study concludes that lullabies play a significant role in shaping children's religious language and feelings.Religious Studies / Dini AratrmalarYAZIBAI, Muhammed Ali
Müzik retmenlerinin Müzik Performans Kayglarnn ve Doyumlarnn eitli Deikenler Asndan ncelenmesi 来自 EBSCO 喜欢 0 阅读量: 1 作者:F Atayeter,AA Can 摘要: The aim of this study was to examine music performance anxiety and job satisfaction of music teachers and to determine if there was a...
英文名: Asp-Ala-Asn 单字母: H2N-DAN-OH 三字母: H2N- Asp- Ala- Asn- OH 氨基酸个数: 3 分子式: C11H18N4O7 平均分子量: 318.28 精确分子量: 318.12 等电点(PI): 6.26 pH=7.0时的净电荷数: -0.02 平均亲水性: 0.9 疏水性值: -1.73 外观与性状: 白色粉末状固体 消光系数: - 来源: 人工化...
rencilerin Bak Asndan retim Elemanlarnn Snf indeki Etik D Davranlar This qualitative study aims to determine the unethical behaviors that faculty members exhibit in the classroom environment from the perspective of undergraduate students. The study group of this research consisted of 30 participants ...
In the introduction, the definition of nazire is made and its importance in the development of divan poets is mentioned. In the same section, the characteristics that a poem must have in order to be a nazire are stated. In addition, the historical development of na...
Ebeveyn Arabuluculuu leinin Türkeye Uyarlanmas ve eitli Deikenler Asndan ncelenmesi doi:10.37669/milliegitim.1496618CRONBACH'S alphaCONFIRMATORY factor analysisDIGITAL technologySEVENTH grade (Education)PARENTSIt is critical for children to maximize the opportunities in...
Roe deer tCapreolus capreolts L., 1758) is the smallest Cervid species in Turkey. The roe deer have more ecological and biological advantages than the other Cervid species. So these features are inercasing their impcrtance for Turkey. Because of the poaching and unconscious hunting, their numb...
Ditambah lagi Pj Penghulu Sintong Makmur Nasrun ini diketahui seorang ASN dan Netralitas ASN dalam Undang-undang No. 5 Tahun 2014 tentang Aparatur Sipil Negara : Bahwa setiap pegawai ASN tidak berpihak dari segala bentuk pengaruh manapun dan tidak memihak kepada...
Samsun'da Orman Yollarnda Ortaya kan Heyelanlarn Zemin Mekanii Asndan ncelenmesi 来自 Semantic Scholar 喜欢 0 阅读量: 4 作者:E Büyük,HH Acar,N Entürk,L Altun,E Kula 摘要: Landslide areas after forest road construction in Samsun Region have been investigated. First landslide area is the ...