美国的注册护士RN占护士人数的大多数,注册护士需要两年至四年的大学教育,考取RN执照。美国护士有三种学位:二年制的学院学位(ASN)、四年制大学的学士学位(BSN),二至三年医院附属护士学校的文凭(ADN)。这三种美国护士学位都可以直接通过考试成为注册护士。 在菲律宾,每所大学教授护理知识及给学生正规的培训,直到帮助学...
ADN or ASN associate degrees can help career advancement, job security, job satisfaction and personal growth. Associate Degree Programs Each year about 53% of total first time US educated candidates taking the NCLEX-RN exam do so after completing an Associate Degree in Nursing program. Since takin...
Find Mississippi nursing school programs near you and learn how much they cost. List of accredited Mississippi nursing schools with Practical Nurse and Registered Nurse programs leading to an Associate, Bachelor, Master, or Doctor Degree in Nursing.
Find Massachusetts nursing school programs near you and learn how much they cost. List of accredited Massachusetts nursing schools with Practical Nurse and Registered Nurse programs leading to an Associate, Bachelor, Master, or Doctor Degree in Nursing.
Find Alabama nursing school programs near you and learn how much they cost. List of accredited Alabama nursing schools with Practical Nurse and Registered Nurse programs leading to an Associate, Bachelor, Master, or Doctor Degree in Nursing.
Find Arkansas nursing school programs near you and learn how much they cost. List of accredited Arkansas nursing schools with Practical Nurse and Registered Nurse programs leading to an Associate, Bachelor, Master, or Doctor Degree in Nursing.
Find Ohio nursing school programs near you and learn how much they cost. List of accredited Ohio nursing schools with Practical Nurse and Registered Nurse programs leading to an Associate, Bachelor, Master, or Doctor Degree in Nursing.
Find Kansas nursing school programs near you and learn how much they cost. List of accredited Kansas nursing schools with Practical Nurse and Registered Nurse programs leading to an Associate, Bachelor, Master, or Doctor Degree in Nursing.