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Karuna Satori, conosciuta dalla community YouTube come artista ASMR, il suo canale vanta 1,19 milioni di iscritti appassionati dei suoi video rilassanti e stimolanti. ASMR Glow, makeup artist e vlogger, è diventata popolare nel mondo ASMR grazie al suo canale YouTube, che ad oggi conta ...
5.YouTube Price:Free, but offers in-app purchases Compatibility:iOS,Android There are millions of hours of ASMR content on YouTube, and all you need to do in order to start listening to it wherever you go is to install the YouTube app on your Smartphone. The app lets you discover new...
【YouTube搬运】ASMR | Lucy将带给您放松感 💧《赛博朋克:汉子边缘》角色扮演 作者: ASMR Lei共计2条视频,包括:ASMR Lucy will relax you 💧Cyberpunk Edgerunners Cosplay Role Play、防撞车等,UP主更多精彩视频,请关注UP账号。
ASMR NEXT LEVEL for Brain Melting Tingles and Deep Sleep✨16D AUDIO是4K【YouTube搬运】ASMR 下一层次,带来脑部极度酥麻的刺激和深度睡眠体验✨16D音频 作者: ASMR MELODY的第1集视频,该合集共计2集,视频收藏或关注UP主,及时了解更多相关视频内容。 Google Pixel 9 Pro XL vs Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra Unboxing and Camera Test - ASMR 作者:Dr Debox Today I will be unboxing and comparing the Google Pixel 9 Pro XL and Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra, I hope you enjoy! #asmr #unboxing #google
Además de los pasos básicos como crear una cuenta de YouTube y contar con el equipo y material necesarios (cámara y micrófono principalmente), es necesario que practiques para ganar experiencia, encontrar tu estilo y saber lo que funciona y lo que no. Ten paciencia e intenta dar a con...
歡迎來我的YT逛逛: 歡迎來我的Twitch逛逛: 𝐀𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐌𝐞 哈囉~你好我是Miu,是來自台灣的ASMRtist 歡迎來到我的ASMR頻道,這裡是專門提供助眠、抒壓、放鬆的地方 如果你喜歡我的頻道記得按讚+訂閱+分享唷! --...
YouTube热门搜索(截至2021年9月) 那么ASMR究竟是什么?它为何如此受人追捧?又是怎样应用于商业化营销的? 一、ASMR:揭开神秘的面纱 有关这一现象的讨论最初起源于2007年一位21岁的网友在健康网站上发表的留言,她表示“当朋友用记号笔在自己的手掌上画画,或用自己用手指描摹皮肤,甚至是看木偶戏和读故事的时候,身体...
Michelle Castillo, “These people make a living with bizarre repetitive YouTube videos that give users 'pins and needles',” CNBC (February 19, 2017) SEE MORE EXAMPLES Who uses ASMR? The term ASMR is often used on YouTube in titles of ASMR videos. An example might be “ASMR Calligraph...