The article announces the recipients of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) scholarship program for the 2014-2015 academic year which include Jamie Nagode for the Kenneth Andrew Scholarship worth 13,000 dollars and Andrew Florek for the William J. and Marjane E. Adams Jr. ...
IGTI scholarships and awards are available... again This $4,000 scholarship is available to any ASME student members from any country and can be for study at either the undergraduate or graduate level. Students can apply online at under "ASME Scholarships". 2. IGTI ... K Mil...
Any honors and awards earned by the applicant shall be recognized by assigning a point total up to 10. Included in this category are awards for suggestions at work, citations in newspapers, fellowships and scholarships, employee of the week (month or year) awards, and ASME honors and awards...
To encourage student participation in the conference as well as to promote student research in information storage and processing systems, ASME ISPS 2020 provided three ISPS Division graduate student fellowships and six ISPS Divi- sion graduate student conference scholarships to waive graduate student's...
The International Gas Turbine Institute (IGTI) provides scholarships for undergraduate and graduate students studying gas turbines. IGTI also is offering travel awards for young engineers to attend Turbo-Expo. Thes...
Under the umbrella of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, IGTI provides scholarships for undergraduate and graduate students studying gas turbines. The program features multiple $2,000 awards, for students at the undergraduate or graduate level.Millsaps...