SB-265 每单 (Identicalwi由ASTMSpecificationB265·20aexcept由atNoteAinTable7hasbeenrevised.) 423 SB-265ASMEBPYC.ll.B-2023 Specificationfor TitaniumandTitaniumAlloyStrip,Sheet,andPlate I.Scope1.1.15Grade17-UNSR52252.Unalloyedtitaniumplus I.IThisspecificationcoversannealedtitaniumandllta-0.04100.08%palladiu...
阿斯米合金 0.5-4.0mmGr.2纯钛ASTM B265 ASME SB265标准现货。纯钛是一种密度很轻(4.51)的金属,在大气中十分稳定,表面生成致密的yang化膜,能保持金属光泽;但当加热到600℃以上时,yang化膜就失去保护作用。 阿斯米合金(公众ID号:HC-276)配有大量Gr.1纯钛卷板现货。 纯钛GR.1也叫纯钛GR1、TR270C、钛板、ASTM...
Titanium SB265 Gr.2 Distillation Column Titanium SB265 Gr.2 Stripping Column Titanium SB265 Gr.2 Seawater Desalination Heat Exchanger Titanium SB265/304 Gr.2 Seawater Desalination Heat Exchanger Pure Titanium ASME SB265 Gr.2 Seawater Desalination Heat Exchanger Share...
Tube Material SB265 Gr.2 Tube Wall Thickness 0.8mm Shell Material SB265 Gr.2 Shell Thickness 86mm Diameter OD2600mm Surface 2600sqm Length 13500mm Weight 47774Kg No. of Tubes 3900 pcs Pressure SHELL SIDE 1.77/FV MPa The use of titanium equipment offers significant advantages in seawate...
ASME CODE Sec.VIII Div.1 设计的换热器 图纸包含管板 管箱 管束等 零部件 管束管箱为钛材。SB265 Gr.7, SB265 Gr.2,焊环法兰结构。典型的钛设备。国标钛换热器可以参考
南京胜德金属设备有限公司专业生产销售ASME SB265 Gr.2钛搅拌釜反应器。另有更多钛坦克, 钛反应器, 纯钛反应器系列产品,欢迎新老客户咨询。
南京胜德金属设备有限公司专业生产销售纯钛 ASME SB265 Gr.2 海水淡化换热器。另有更多钛和钛合金设备系列产品,欢迎新老客户咨询。
ASME Sb265 Gr1 Gr2 Gr3 Gr5 Gr7 2 Inch Thick Grade 5 Titanium Alloy Plates Titanium Plate Titanium Sheet Price US$55.00 500-999 kg US$50.00 1,000+ kg Product Details Customization: Available Material: TC4 Titanium All...
ASME B&PVCSEC2B$U19505-31-00 05: 13: 24pd: sec2bRev 15. 04SPECIFICATION FOR TITANIUM AND TITANIUMALLOY STRIP, SHEET, AND PLATESB-265(Identical with ASTM Specification B 265-98 for all grades except for section 15.1, which requires mandatory certification.)1.Scope1.1 This specification ...
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