静态工厂方法每次被调用的时候,不要求非得创建一个新的对象。有的时候我们仅仅需要这个类所表示某些项,但是不需要这个类的实例,那么静态工厂方法可以很好的满足这个要求。 静态工厂方法可以返回一个原返回类型的子类型的对象。 静态工厂方法的缺点: 类如果不含公有的或者受保护的构造函数,就不能被子类化。对于公有的...
Book Value Per Share 0.83 X Cash Flow From Operations 1.52 M Short Ratio 0.43 X Target Price 2.0 Beta 2.01 Market Capitalization 160.77 M Total Asset 129.71 M Retained Earnings (51.16 M) Working Capital 9.73 M Current Asset 20.05 M Current Liabilities 14.04 M Net Asset 129.71 M About...
➤In June of 1778, while looking for a Northwest Passage to Hudson Bay, he and his crew on the HMS Resolution dropped anchor in Turnagain Arm—within sight of the spot where the Hotel Captain Cook stands today. To his disappointment he learned that there was no passage through, so he ...