Aslain's WoWs Modpack, 免费下载. Aslain's WoWs Modpack: Aslain's WoWs Modpack is a set of modifications for the popular naval combat game World of …
Downloads for World of Warships Aslain's WoWs ModPack v13.11.0 #09 main download link (.torrent) SHA-256: 39bb0a6c4b8d46501a7bdc8ce75b2666510aa5dd1558367d09e52d8b42b84319 Attention! Due to the lack of a paid digital signature (but not only), some antiviruses may recognize the insta...
【插件包】Aslai..玩外服的同学应该知道吧,很实用的插件包。作者更新很快,不过这个版本删除了很多过期插件,只能等作者更新,不过可以先救急用。版本介绍:v5.3.0.00 (18-02-2016):- initial ve
- 移除过时的MOD:Training Room Enabler, Repair party regen indicator, The Minimap mods, The dock mods, Extended tech-tree, Camouflage Remover (by SchrottiGER), MLP Flags, Historical Naval Ensigns, De-uppercase ship names原文:- initial version for WoWs updated skin for Błyskawica ...
Aslain's W..Aslain's WoWS Mod是一个综合性的MOD合集,相信以前就有人用过。 但好多人表示纯英文压力太大。但是作者推出‘图片显示’模式,即使你ABC都认不全,任然可以安装MOD
Aslain's W..安装说找不到游戏目录,要把zip放到具体哪个文件夹?要不要解压?语音包跟mods的安装一样吗?
萌新提问:Aslai..萌新提问:Aslain's WoWS ModPack是只能用一次吗?我安装完后,想在加几个其他mod怎么弄?要卸载了在安装一次吗?
Kaspersky total security never blocked or denied access to open the modpack exe. Other thing .. Windows started reporting "Aslains_WoWs_Modpack_Installer_v.9.9.1_01.exe is not commonly downloaded and may be dangerous." this I've seen before either ?!
新版本aslain插..Aslains_WoWs_Modpack_Installer_v.12.11.1_02.exe是有冲突还是咋了国服12.11阿斯兰插件无法使用【战舰世界吧】_百度贴吧 (把7708673的RE_MODS覆盖到7822202里面试试这个管用