The Deaf and Hard-of-hearing (DHH) community faces a lack of information in American Sign Language (ASL) and other signed languages. Most informational resources are text-based (e.g. books, encyclopedias, newspapers, magazines, etc.). Because DHH signers typically prefer ...
The Deaf and Hard-of-hearing (DHH) community faces a lack of information in American Sign Language (ASL) and other signed languages. Most informational resources are text-based (e.g. books, encyclopedias, newspapers, magazines, etc.). Because DHH signers typically prefer ASL and a...
By creating this bilingual STEM resource, we provide immediate and direct benefits to the signing community, while longer-term benefits derived from research are in progress. Please check out the bilingual STEM article resource here: Wiki – The ASL Data Community (opens in new tab)....
Навигацияпосайту Этастатьянезавершена. Выможетепомочьпроекту,исправивидополнивеё. Вэтотдень, 7 марта: Сднёмрождения,Минозебра!
ASL STEM Wiki Microsoft Research Project Participation Consent Form INTRODUCTION Thank you for deciding to volunteer in a Microsoft Corporation research project. You have no obligation to participate and you may decide to terminate your participation at any time. You also understand that the researcher...
Yes, the dataset will be published under a license that permits use for research purposes. The license is provided at Have any third parties imposed IP-based or other restrictions on the data associated with the ...
(ASL). ASL STEM Wiki is the first continuous signing dataset focused on STEM, facilitating the development of AI resources for STEM education in ASL.We identify several use cases of ASL STEM Wiki with human-centered applications. For example, because this dataset highlights the frequent use of ...
Yes, the dataset will be published under a license that permits use for research purposes. The license is provided at Have any third parties imposed IP-based or other restrictions on the data associated with the ...
(ASL). ASL STEM Wiki is the first continuous signing dataset focused on STEM, facilitating the development of AI resources for STEM education in ASL.We identify several use cases of ASL STEM Wiki with human-centered applications. For example, because this dataset highlights the frequent use of ...
ASL STEM Wiki Overview Deaf Culture Dataset Description Use Cases Bilingual Resource Dataset License Datasheet Consent Form People Publications MICROSOFT RESEARCH LICENSE TERMS IF YOU LIVE IN THE UNITED STATES, PLEASE READ THE “BINDING ARBITRATION AND CLASS ACTION WAIVER” SECTION BELOW. IT AFFECTS ...