What doesASLSstand for? Your abbreviation search returned 7 meanings Link/Page Citation
I appreciate that there are members of the Deaf community and hearing allies teaching the material and that I have a chance to learn idiomatic phrases and slang as well as basic signs. Bonus: Nyles DiMarco, from America’s Top Model teaches some of the signs! That alone, makes it worth ...
annoyed / tired-of-it / sick-of-something-or-someone-[slang] ANNUAL COMPANY RETREAT annual/yearly/every year ANNUALLY-[version]-[every-year] ANOINT-[pour-on-wrist-version] ANOINT-[tap-head-version] anonymous-[NAME-PRIVATE] anonymous-[NONE+NAME+don't-KNOW+WHO] anonymous-[not-TELLING+NAME]...
Did you decide what you are gonna take for your second language? Either Spanish or ASL. You? ASL Related Slang CODAChild of Deaf Adults KODAKid of Deaf Adults EngrishBad Asian to English translation AAVEAfrican-American Vernacular English ...
ASL - American Sign Language: free, self-study sign language lessons including an ASL dictionary, signing videos, a printable sign language alphabet chart (fingerspelling), Deaf Culture study materials, and resources to help you learn sign language. Good