Salary Transparency At Work This year all employers in New York State who have four or more employees will now have to list the hourly or annual salary when they post a job. If they don't post the salary they must post a pay range with minimum and maximum pay. 14 Bold Predictions For...
Research the position you are applying for. Find out as much as possible about the job, the duties and responsibilities, the challenges you'll face, and what a reasonable salary would be. Be prepared to offer strategic insights. As we mentioned in the section above, use your email as a w...
As you may know, Codechef long challenge is currently running. After the first one, I thought that I should just ignore it, but I've received a second ask for help with a problem from this contest... Probably I'm not the only one being asked and that there may be more questions in...
Adults are often embarrassed about asking for help. Its an act that can make people feel sensitive. The moment you ask for directions, after all, you reveal (泄露) that you may be lost. Seeking someone’s assistance can make you feel like you are broadcasting your incompetence. New research...
According to a recent update, the IRCC has stopped processing LMIA for low-wage workers. The salary threshold or high-wage stream has also been increased by 20% for workers recruited via the TFWP. The Canadian government is yet to announce the dates from which the removal of additional po...
Studies over the past 30 years have shown that after asking a question adults typically wait only one second or less for an answer no time for a child to think. When adults increase their “wait time” to three seconds or more children give more logical(符合逻辑的) complete and creative ...
Q:Sessionalsalariesareverysmallevenwithwhatweareasking.Isitreallyworth makingafussoverpeanuts,especiallywithhavingbeenoffered4%increasefor level3inthefirsttwoyears? A:Itisthecasethattheemployerhasofferedthelargestincreasesatlevel3.Assuming thelaston-the-recordofferwereretabledandaccepted, afterthreeyearsat4%,...