Grades 9–12 Students review language and useful expressions for clarifying and asking for clarification. They play a modified game of broken telephone and perform a skit. They also review how to use tag questions. Assessment tasks and tools are available at the end of this lesson. ...
1&2 on P65.◆Post-listening: Asking for clarification.I. Finish Ex. 4 on P65: Answer the questionsand read and role-play the conversation.1. What does Zhou Wei want to buy?Some pants.2. What does “pants"mean?Underwear.II. Translate the following expressions and finishEx. 5 on P65....
• For a quick clarification try using the following: • I’m sorry. • Excuse me. • Hang on a minute*. • Just a minute. • Wait a minute. • For a lengthier clarification you can try these expressions: • Can I stop you for a minute? • Can I in...
Do you feel more comfortable clarifying what you heard, asking for repetition, and confirming your understanding after reading this post? I hope so. You can use these phrases for ask for clarification on something I’ve written above! Leave a comment below with a question you have – and sta...
might have their own unique expressions or landmarks that are commonly referred to For example, in some small towns, people might direct you based on local stores or landmarks that only the locals know well So, it's useful to listen carefully and ask for clarification if you don't ...
2. Asking requires speaking. Which requires engaging with people. Which may require preparing a script or being ready to answer questions or provide clarification. Thinking about this can be intimidating, which often makes asking for help seem like more trouble than its worth. ...
呕吐3天,随后剧烈抽搐约1分钟渐清醒,即测血压26/16kPa(195/120mmHg),胎心120次/分,有不规律子宫收缩,肛查:子宫口未开,骨产道正常。 该孕妇最可能的诊断是A.高血压危象B.子痈C.脑出血D.癫痫E.癔病以下护理措施正确的是A.取头高侧卧位B.将病人安置于双人房间,减轻孤独C.留置胃管D.留置尿...