Aski AI,一款中文AI问答、写作、绘画于一体的一站式AI创作工具。 Aski AI问答与写作使用的是GPT-3.5-turbo模型,响应速度快,支持上下文追问式提问,回复内容全,质量高。 Aski AI支持多种绘画任务,快速5秒内出图,对中文关键词友好,有历史记录永久保存。 支持8种绘画任务,包括:Midjourney风格绘画、高清绘画、动漫风...
I found on the post of Account Manager - a 3m medical infection control products. Place of work of this post is Kunming. But I can not find this post in the 3m official website. So I would like to ask about recruitment information about this job is a...