AskHR is 100% cloud-based, available 24/7 x 365. Nothing to install or upgrade, we'll take care of that. Absolutely Secure All of our software runs on end-to-end encrypted servers, maintaining ISO 27001 security compliance. Artificial Intelligence ...
AskHR is a friendly, cloud-hosted virtual assistant that understands your HR policies and procedures. Employees interact with our assistant using a mobile device or laptop and ask questions like "I need to update my W4." The platform will provide answers, relevant information, walk the employee ...
AskHR is the world’s foremost AI-based HR support platform designed to provide employees with 24/7 HR support to get their workplace questions answered quickly. Our product combines easy content management with our fast and effective algorithms to enhance the support you give your employees. For...
the AI gets smarter. AskHR easily integrates with your existing support systems and frees up your HR team to engage with your employees more strategically. AskHR delivers a complete support solution that reduces ticket flow, improves operational efficiency, and enhances your overall employee experience...
Get the latest resources from AskHR, the app from Kingston Hospital to get all the information needed about: 1- Annual Leave Calculator 2- Absence Management 3…
Lisa Driver, MI "Ask HR Pro has been an incredible partner, consistently going above and beyond to handle our HR needs and simplify our operations." Ask HR Pro! Need HR services or just have an HR related question? We're here to help! ALEXA排名 - 位,谷歌对该网站评分为 ,百度为该网站评分为 ,百度搜索结果前50名关键字约为 - 个,预测该网站每天约有 ~ IP,其中电脑端 ~ IP,移动端 ~ IP。 备案信息 域名信息 服务器信息 单位名称 杭州道纪商务咨询有限公司 单位性质 企业 网站备案 浙ICP备07021632号-4 网站名称 问评网...
Get all your AWP HR related information using AskHR including: Annual Leave Calculator and Absence Management - The app includes a digital version of the NHS standard calculator allowing AWP employees to monitor and calculate their holiday absence entitlements. Emotional Wellbeing Toolkit - The NHS st...
askhr.cn历史备案号备案信息查询 备案类型 企业 备案主体 道纪信息技术(杭州)有限公司 备案号 浙ICP备07021632号-4 备案时间 2020-10-13 至2023-05-24 域名备案监控 最新备案查询
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