The research is less clear about whether antivirals prevent the development of flu complications such as secondary bacterial pneumonia. They might, but so far the data aren't clear. Are flu antivirals becoming less effective? Antiviral resistance to Tamiflu has beenreportedaround the world, mostly ...
Byline: Dr Martin ScurrMY GP's surgery recently sent out a letter to all high-blood-pressure patients stating that our medication will be switched from candesartan to losartan. However, due to the possibility of liver damage, blood tests have to be taken at regular intervals to check for ...
Byline: Pixie McKennaI HAVE developed a rash under my armpits since I started going to the gym. It's raw and uncomfortable making it impossible to put on deodorant.It seems odd that I might have picked up an infection but I think it is too much of a coincidence that it's happened ri...
My GP Gave Me a Special Patch for My Back Pain ... What Is It Exactly? ASK THE DOCTORByline: Every week Cork GP Dr Pixie McKenna answers your medical questionsDaily Mail (London)
saddle of my heart Would you ask for any horse But this one inside your heart😢
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Could My Racing Pulse Simply Be a Result of Heartache? ASK THE DOCTOR; Every Week Cork GP Dr Pixie McKenna Answers Your Medical QuestionsByline: Dr Pixie McKenna I'M a 40-year-old man going through a relationship break up. I have......